chapter 7

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8 PM, the dudes had been here since 6.

The air was thick with smoke and the sound of the speaker playing Jeremih. You laughed at another one of Alex jokes as you crossed your legs over the sofa. Neither him or James had grabbed a blunt yet, but you had been steadily inhaling through the blunt and forming clouds with your mouth, laughing between the breaths. So you were kinda high, and kinda tipsy because of the drinks.

Alex was also a bit tipsy but not at the state that you were at, Hannah had been hunting his attention and he had kindly responded to all her talking; laughing at her jokes and listening to her complains.

"Honestly though, I don't, I mean I try to keep myself to the same friends that has been with me since before the fame. I, there's fake bitches all around, you know? You know?"

"Yeah." Alex shortly replied.

"Yes, exactly. Cause they just wanna say that they friends with me cause I'm up next you know. I- No thank you if you just gon take pics of us hanging out together. I literally met up with this dude couple of months ago who kept documenting us hanging out together on Snapchat. So don't be like, like that Alex."

"I'm not like that, that's dumb." Alex promised as he smiled slightly. You coughed in reply as you took another sip of the vodka-mix. "Yo, (y/n), you wanna get some air? I'm taking a cigarette."

You nodded quickly and you two walked outside to the balcony. The view was gorgeous.

The sun was drowning under Themsen, it was Golden Hour alright.
The sky was painted in pastel colors of pink, lavender and orange, reflecting the calm surface of the river. The Golden Hour light made Alex look even warmer and softer, as the cold night breezes started to tug at your hair and shirt.

You two were leaning against the fence on the balcony. Alex lit up his cigarette as his gaze wondered over London. You stared at him, unaware. He was really one of those people that God pointed at and gave a bit of an extra appearance to. 

Alex soon realized that you were looking at him, so he turned his head right, toward you. He kept holding your gaze as he removed the cig from his mouth and exhaled. "What?" He said with a light chuckle.

"You're very beautiful." You said, resting your head in your hand, still leaning on the see-through plastic fence. He smiled slightly with a chuckle, breaking the eyecontact and looking back at the sun. 

"How much did you drink." He responded, taking another breath of the cigarette. The sun's rays softly hit his face, you couldn't imagine someone else you'd rather hang out with right now. And he was lowkey hot. 
You felt this genuine, genuine feeling inside of you. Well, maybe it was just the alcohol.

He passed you the cigarette, stretching his hand out. You accepted the offer and inhaled from the dry cancerstick as well. Look, you basically just kissed Alex! Wait what? No, wait, euw, he's your best friend, snap out of it, the fuck???

You frowned at your confusing mind, blowing out the smoke through your mouth. "I don't think I'll ever want to leave London."

"Yah, stay here with us."

"I subscribed to your channel, Alex."

"Ok, thank you."

"Yes. I subscribed and I watched some videos, you are so amusing to watch, you know exactly what to say. But you know what you say weirdly? You say that in a weird way. Say that."


"Yeah, look, your accent makes it sound real funny."

Alex nodded. "Okay." He responded with a light giggle. "You say you're so hot in a weird way."

"You're so hot? When-"

"Ah, thank you, (y/n). You're quite hot as well." Alex interrupted with a teasing look on his face. Well, it took a second for you to understand.

You glared at him, making him laugh. Then you turned around, facing the door. You leaned backwards against the fence before leaping, or wobbling, up on it, almost falling over. Alex yelped as he grabbed your hand.

"What the fuck, you're gonna fall!" Alex yelled, keeping a stern hold of your arm. 

"Yoooo, stoop, I'll drop the cigarette." You groaned, shaking your arm in an attempt to make him let go.

"Stop, I'll drop you." He snorted, still not letting go. Instead he grabbed your other arm as well, standing in front of you. "Get down, you dumb fuck."

You grinned at him as you relaxed your arms, swinging your feet instead. You locked eyes, him still holding a tight grip of your arms. He seemed frightened but played it cool.

Until you felt a force, a force created by Alex, as he shoved your arms backwards at you, making you loose your balance. Shook flooded you as you screamed out loudly. Alex pushed you backwards but quickly caught you in his arms.

You kept on screaming for another second until you realized that you were standing on the balcony again. The whole dizziness you had felt just a moment earlier was completely gone. You felt wide-awake again, the alcohol in your system just disappeared. Soon you could make out the sound of Alex laughing his ass off.

"I fucking hate you!!" You yelped, crossing your arms. "I- Alex!! Not okay!!" You said, before you couldn't help but laugh as well. "I fucking hate you. Moron."

"Pfft, I'm sorry, I just had to!" He mumbled back through the laughter. Soon you two quieted down and stood there in silence again. Not awkward silence, just, 'I like where I'm at right now'-silence.

Until you twitched in surprise when something burned your right hand. You let out a squeal in both shock and pain, as you dropped your cigarette on the balcony floor. Once again Alex started laughing.

"Yo, it hurt! It fucking-... still! It's fucking.. ouch-"

"You're a dork."

"You're a dork! It hurts, alright?"

"It's just a burn." 

"Just a burn?! Let me repeat that one more time, love, SATAN JUST BIT MY FUCKING HAND!"

This just made Alex laugh even harder. 

Hope you enjoyed, let's get sexual in the next chapter just kidding bye

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2019 ⏰

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