chapter 5

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A horror movie was playing loudly on the TV, and the movie had resulted in alot of gasps and flinches. You was sitting between George and Alex in the couch, Alex on your left side. On George's right side, Hannah was sitting, while James sat alone in an armchair.

You guys were a bit more than halfway through the movie. Alex and George seemed pretty untouched by the scary features but James, you and Hannah were scared to death.

"It's not even that good." George admitted.

"Shut up, George!" James snapped back but in an ironic kinda way, making you giggle. You grabbed another candy as you curled up your body in the sofa. It really felt unsafe to keep your feet outside the furniture. 

Hannah had grabbed pretty much all of the blanket that was supposed to cover all of you four which seemed impossible. You tugged at it, but it only led to Hannah keeping it even closer to her. "Ay, Hannah."

Hannah smiled at you, pulling it back, leading to you two pulling at it in a competition. "Yo, Hannah, oh my god-" A jumpscare appeared on the TV, making Hannah let go of the blanket as she flinched. You flew backwards by the sudden stop of resistance. You bumped your head onto Alex chest, your upperbody falling onto his.

Alex giggled as he exchanged gazes with Hannah, "Oh my god (y/n), you are so clumsy."

"You are totally unbalanced, (y/n)." Hannah agreed.

It took a second for you to realize what happened, but then you pushed yourself away from him, "Yo, shut the fuck up." You snorted with a chuckle, "At least I'm not a little bitch. And look who's got the fucking blanket now."

The movie was over and the room was dark, only lit up by bright string lights by the windows. The speaker was playing some chill old school rap. Sometimes you hummed along to your favourite parts of the playlist.

"Yeah but I'd totally be up for that tho." Hannah said, you were honestly not really listening, but you acted interested at least. You just wanted to go to bed honestly. "I feel like (y/n) should do some deal with producers and managers or however it works. Then she should start touring. That's how you make money."

"Yeah yeah yeah." You muttered, sipping on your beer.

"She never replies to texts or mails about business."

"It's not my full time job to make music. I'm going to college. I can't go to college if I have deals and shit." You explained.

James replied with his ironic voice, "Make it your full time job, think about it, fame and all. If that's how easy it is for you to blow up, then do it, go for it. I would. Now I'm just lonely with my youtube channel fighting the urge not to-"

"James." George reminded. You giggled.

Alex leaned towards you on your left side, catching your attention while the others were conversating. "You tired?" He asked.

"Is it that obvious."

"We can head home soon if you want. We'll meet tomorrow tho."

"What's the clock?"


You nodded. "Yeah, you can stay and all, but ima head to bed."


next day


20 minutes into the podcast and already alot of alcohol inside of you and Alex and James. The podcast had gone smoothly with alot of jokes but also interesting discussions.

"I really think it's important to do alot of research before you actually state any public opinions on anything if it's an important subject." You explained, "I actually look at commentary videos sometimes and it's been some discussions about research."

"I agree, if you're a big commentary channel, then obviously you're gonna have to know what the fuck you're on about. Of course everyone makes mistakes." Alex scratched his neck, thinking for a moment. "But too many mistakes will definitely lead to attention."

"Of course, you have a big responsibility as a public person. People will easily call you out and give critic just as well as they'll believe what you're saying."

"People are dumb in that way." Alex added. "Fucking, don't listen to everything you hear. Like rumors and shit. Not just youtube but like in peoples' everyday lives."

"Listen kids. Don't listen to what everyone else says. Ok?" James turned to the camera with a stern face. "Don't make dumb decisions under pressure of your friends."

You nodded, also facing the camera. "Don't smoke if you don't want to, don't eat pills or snort coke if you don't want to do it." Alex and James giggled. "Don't drink if you don't want to, don't party, don't hang out with the people you don't want to, etc. Honestly do whatever the fuck you want to. If you do shit because of group pressure, you're dumb. Sorry, but honestly you need to stand up for yourself. Don't be a lil bitch. I get that you want to have friends and be appreciated and popular but nooo, that's not the answer."

"We stan a queen that supports drugs."

"Oh no, fuck. I mean- don't do anything illegal, not even if you want to!" You quickly snapped, sighing after your sentence, quickly grabbing your glass, sipping on your drink.

"Oh, yesterday me and (y/n) were headed to a shop to buy some snacks for a movie night with the gang. So listen. She was holding popcorn and chips and I had just got some pick n' mix you know, and I was walking towards her direction. She's a mean spacko, alright. She literally put her leg out and tripped me up! I didn't fall but I dropped the bag of candy and she laughed at me-"

"That's not what happened!" You interrupted as you scrunched a piece of paper together, throwing it on him. He was obviously teasing you, hoping for a reaction. "You was a dumb bitch and tripped over your own feet!" He started laughing in his cute way.

James chuckled as well, "Laaaanguage." He reminded.   

The podcast continued smoothly, the three of you really bonded quickly. It really felt as though you had known Alex for years, and James and you really started to get to know each other too. 

ya ya ya, hope you're enjoying this story, it's fun to write but i just literally suck at english
english is not my first language and i'm actually quite bad at it.
if there's a was instead of were, i'm probably aware of that. i just say was instead of were
sometimes, that's the way i talk.

please comment, fav and everything like that to support me if you enjoy it. if you got any ideas etc, please contact me :D

next chapter might be way more interesting ;)#")flkfmcsö,äl'fö1ri2jpv wtf

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