We mostly eat in silence with an occasional 'this food is great' or 'Harry did a good job with this place.'

Harry returns to the table with the bill and hands it to Niall. I reach out my hand and ask to see the bill.

"No I've got it." Niall says and raises his hand to caution mine down.

I'm not going to let him pay for my meal. This is a first date and it looks like I'm using him for a nice meal.

"No, I'm paying for my meal."

"Don't worry about it. I said I've got it." Niall says and smiles at me.

"I'm paying for my meal." I say forcefully and I glare at Harry who raises his hands to show he's not getting involved.

Niall pulls out his credit card and hands the bill and the card to Harry without even looking at me. Why is he being so stubborn? He barely even knows me.

Harry takes the bill from Niall, gives me a sympathetic look, then walks away.

"Harry, stop!" I yell but Harry refuses to turn around. I am furious.

I clench my teeth and look out onto the lake.

"Come on, Emily. I'm not gonna take you out to dinner and make you pay for it."

"It's just that I barely even know you and you just payed who knows how much on my meal."

"Don't worry about it," he says then stands up and walks towards me, "now come on and let's take you home."

He grabs my hand and leads me outside.

"Wait here a sec while I say goodbye to Harry."

"Okay." I respond as he disappears back into the restaurant.

I sit down on a bench nearby because my feet are killing me because of these heels. I take off my shoes and after about five minutes, Niall returns.

"Sorry Emily. Harry was telling me this story about how this woman was angry at him because she forgot to call in to confirm her reservations and she almost slapped him in the face!" Niall says as he laughs really loudly, "So are you ready?"

We had to park far away because we got here late, so I don't think I'm ready for the long walk in these shoes.

"Can we just sit for a few more minutes? My feet hurt because of these stupid heels."

Niall's smile fades into a concerned look.

"Then let's do this."

He leans down and I feel a large, soft hand wrap around my back and another wrap around the back of my knees and the next thing I know I'm cradled into his arms and he's carrying me down the city streets.

One of my hands is holding my heels while the other is wrapped around his neck.

He's looking straight ahead but occasionally looks down at my face and my cheeks flare while I look away as he laughs.

I like this. I love this actually. My body begins to warm and chills go down my spine. Why does this feel so good?

We reach the car and he puts me down on my feet. I am disappointed because I want him to continue to hold me in his arms.

We both get into the car and start the drive home.

"That was nice." I say to break the silence.

"What was nice?" he responds.


"I thought so too. I really enjoyed you tonight. I hope we can do this again soon."

"Yeah, I would like that. I would like that a lot." I say as I smile and look out of the window.

I glance over and he's biting his lip as he stares out into the streets.

We arrive at my apartment complex. He let's me out of the car, grabs my hand, and leads me up to my apartment.

We are standing outside of my room and I pull the key out of my small purse. He grabs the key from my hand and opens the door for me.

He's such a gentleman.

He holds the door open as I walk into the room. He is standing in the doorway with a smile on his face and his hands in his pockets and I turn around to face him.

"Thank you for dinner, Niall."

"Anytime Emily. I just want you to know that I-"

I grab the collar of his shirt, pull him towards me, and plant my lips on his.

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