Part Fifteen

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I finished getting me and amelia's stuff out the car but I didn't unpack my stuff because I didn't want to have any reason to come into his room because he be on some slick stuff so I'd rather live out my suitcases

Bruno: why don't you just put your stuff back in your closet?

Me: I'm good

Bruno: alright

I watched him get up and grab my suitcases and walk out the room

Me: bruno bring me my bags back

Bruno: nope come and get them

He said sitting them in the closet in his bedroom

Me: you can keep them. I'm not coming into your room

Bruno: so your gonna keep the same clothes on everyday?

Me: I will, but I will just buy me an outfit everyday to keep my ass out your room

Bruno: really?

Me: mhmm

Bruno: okay so how are you gonna buy anything without this

He held up my handbag which had my wallet and my car keys in it

Me: oh my god give me that

Bruno: come get it

Me: no you come out your room and give me my bag

Bruno: what are you so afraid of giselle?

Me: I'm just not coming in there

Bruno: *sighs* here

He finally comes out the room and hands it to me

Me: thanks

I say turning around and walking back to amelia's room until I felt his arms around me again

Bruno: I know you still love me giselle

Me: and you don't

Bruno: what? *lets me go* I do love you

Me: lal you got really funny and heart breaking way of showing it bruno

Bruno: I'm sor....

Me: no, I don't want to hear your sorry's anymore. I'm done accepting your apologies and I'm done being hurt by you...again

I walked away and went back into her room closing the door, leaving him standing there. He has hurt me twice and I don't give third chances for them to fuck up again that's just not me. I fed and changed amelia then laid her down for a nap, but heard the front door close meaning he left. I seriously don't feel like I'm doing him wrong, he has to learn himself how to treat a woman because obviously he don't know how if he's constantly treating me like crap. Several hours later I hear the front door close causing me to wake up and see who it was and when I opened the door I saw bruno walking back to his room drunk with another girl that wasn't marie. I walked down the hallway and grabbed him and told the girl to leave

Girl: I'm not going any where and who are you?

Me: the person that caused your death if you don't leave

Girl: whatever

and with that she left and I took his drunk ass to his room and helped him into his bed only to be pulled down with him. I wanted to puke so bad because of the thought of what happened earlier in this bed, but as I tried to move his grip around my waist got a bit tighter and I couldn't move

Bruno: stay with me

The liquor was heavy coming from his breath making cover my nose with my shirt

Bruno: I do these things because I'm afraid to be committed and someone leaves me. The woman I truly love left me and I don't have anyone to to run to when I need help

I could hear his voice cracking meaning that he was crying

Bruno: when I lost her I felt like I lost everything and when you came into my life, you reminded me of her and it scared me but I promise it's not my intentions to hurt you I just need help. I just want you to show me how to love again that's all I ask, please

They always say a drunk man speaks a sober mans mind and I couldn't help but feel sorry for him

Me: bruno who is the woman that you lost and I compared to?

Bruno: *half sleep with his face nuzzled into my neck* my mom


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