Ive made up my mind..

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Dippers POV:

I looked at my surroundings, seeing the wood wall. I took a deep breath ' here goes nothing ' I thought to myself and got the bottle, drinking the strange liquid. As I took my first gulp, I felt my body get hot " w-what the-" I couldn't even finish my sentence when I blacked out to a cold nothingness
Am I dead?...

Bills pov-

A heard a loud thud and smirked
' he finally did it huh?'
I got up from my office and walked to where my pine tree was.
As I walked in I saw pinetree on the floor . As I took a step forward, I walked into a small puddle of water...great ...
I sighed and walked out closing the door. Walking down below deck I grabbed some old cloths that probably don't belong to anyone. I say probably cause my crew knows to keep their shit together, I may be a ruthless pirate, but I have some morals. As I grabbed the cloths some of my crew mates saw me and stood quite . Shrugging , I left them . I didn't want to deal with them, right now, I wanted my pinetree. As I walked my o saw my right hand man..or gal , whatever you want to say, xion. She stood in the doorway of the room pinetree was in, looking shocked. She then turned to me " captain.. what have you done!?" She said .i walked in , pushing her aside , putting the cloths on the puddle of water

" I'm making pinetree mine, what does it look like "

Hey guys , Srry I haven't wrote, I've been busy and took a short break on wattpad, but since I'm kinda back, this book shouldn't be on a hold for long. I want to apologize again for not writing,

-masked out uwu

Your mine!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora