"You ready for a warmup?"

"Oh boy. . ." (Name) trailed off.

The written test was finished and (Name) walked out really nervous. She kinda tripped over herself while trying to find Katsuki. She definitely didn't like the way she was headed. She thought that she did well but at the same time, she thought she could be wrong.

A hard slap on her back woke her up from her doubts. She turned around and saw Katsuki with a smirk. "You ready for the practicals, (Nickname)?"

(Name) sat down next to Katsuki and next to Katsuki was Izuku. Izuku was more or so just fanboying and talking while Katsuki was trying to get him to shut up. Present Mic explained the point system and the robots.

Easy Robots: 1 point
Eh Robots: 2 points
What the fu- Robots: 3 points
Wait, That's Not A Girl: 0 points

"I'm very sure you all understand so I don't think I will have to ask questions."

A blue haired boy with rectangular glasses stood up stiffly. "Actually sir! I have a question!"

"Jesus," Mic muttered,"yes?"

"I actually didn't have one, but you," The boy pointed to Izuku,"stop muttering back there!"

"How the fuck can he even hear them?"
"Exactly he's like 5 rows down."
"Heyyyy, isn't he quirkless?"
The comments were silenced by Mic talking again.

"Anyways, can I get a Plus Ultra?"

"PLUS ULTRA!" The entire auditorium shook with the excitement of the students. (Name) even stood up and yelled it.

"Woah, that's the first year that actually worked."

All the students lined up by the entrance and prepared for the called "Go!"

(Name) stood on her own and suddenly felt the need to leave the extra crowded room.

"GO!" Wait, what- (Name)'s own thoughts were cut off by everybody rushing to go and get points.

(Name) scrambled into the battlefield with the other competitors and went to get her own points which she took out a lot of medium and easy robots. She also took out a few hard ones too.

They had finally announced that they were bringing in the 0P Robots and people panicked, some people with ranged quirks shot at it, either way, it had come down and was about to collapse on a red haired boy.

(Name) quickly rushed to the boy's side and used her quirk to blast the robot to pieces. She then picked up the boy while running and blasting any debris heading their way.

She placed down the boy down gently. "Woah! That was so manly!" The red haired boy fanboyed and flashed his sharp, shark-like teeth. He stuck out his hand. "My name is Kirishima Eijiro! Nice to meet you." (Name) shook his hand.
"I-I-I'm B-Bakugo (Name). N-Nice to meet y-you as well!"

"Hey! Since the whole entrance exam thing is about to end, you wanna team up to get a few more of these "villains" down?" Kirishima offered.

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