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"(Name)? Honey! Wake up," Mitsuki knocked on her daughter's door,"you don't want to be late on your first day of middle school, right?"

(Name) groggily replied a small "no" and got up to get dressed into the new school uniform.

She put her head through the hole and looked at herself in the mirror. The uniform was slightly baggy, but it would suffice. She trugged her way to the bathroom only to be greeted by her brother muttering to himself about killing mouth germs.

"Good morning, Katsuki." (Name) greeted as she picked up her toothbrush.

"Morning, bitch." Katsuki replied while ruffling his sister's hair. "You know where you're going for all of your classes right? Besides the fact that you have almost all of them with me."

"Yup," (Name) assured him,"I have it memorized already."

"That's my girl." Katsuki smirked and left the bathroom.

The teacher looked upon his rowdy students with regret. Regret in deciding to wake up this morning, regret in coming in the school, regret for becoming a teacher, the list goes on. "Jesus won't be able to save me from these brats."

"Class!" The students finally settled down. "We have a new student, Bakugo (Name). Treat her with respect." The teacher looked at (Name),"You can go sit behind Izuku, the one with the green hair."

(Name) shuffled towards her seat and flashed a small smile towards Izuku to which he gladly returned. Murmurs began to erupt around the classroom.

"Oh my god. Is she related to Bakugo?"
"Nice tits."
"You're right on that but her face? Nah."
"Do you think she acts like him?"
"How do you think Bakugo feels right now?"
"Dude, I'd do anything to be in Midoriya's place right now. Well, besides the quirklessness."

(Name) began to shrink in her seat. She didn't want this. All this attention was going to kill her. All of a sudden, someone hopped out of their chair and looked right about ready to "feel" her.

"Touch her and you fucking die." Katsuki scowled and lit off a few mini fireworks to intimidate them. "And shut the hell up. Nobody wants to hear your input, extras."

And then, silence. Damn, could that boy be scary.

It was now fifth period and the teachers said to pick partners for a project they would begin.

"Izuku," (Name) whispered and tapped his shoulder,"you wanna be partners?" This left Izuku slightly shocked and flustered. Seeing his position and reputation in the school, he didn't expect for her to ask. But then again, she was a very kind girl.

"Y-yeah! Sure," Izuku became confused,"why didn't you ask Kacchan?"

(Name) frowned slightly. "I'm a-afraid he's gonna yell at me. I need to stay a-away from him. People m-might see me as his vulnerable spot so I need to act like I'm almost n-nothing to him." She puffed up her cheeks then breathed out.

She would do that for him? Wow...she really is selfless. Izuku gazed at (Name) with pure admiration.

"A-anyways, shall we get started?"

Eighth period, gym. The only period without somebody (Name) knew. The gym teachers were kind enough to show her how to open her locker and how long it took for them to get them out of the locker room.

Now here (Name) stood. Alone. Quiet. And terrified. She took a moment to look around and examine the people around her. Damnit. Everybody's talking to each other. I probably look like a huge loner. (Name) quickly looked into her lap and frowned. She began to pick at her sweatpants that Katsuki lended her. Eventually, everyone began to jog, stretch and play cross my seat. A kid in the middle of the gym tries to catch multiple people to help him tag others who are running back and forth in the gym. (Name)'s whole mission was to not trip and not embarrass herself. But she also didn't want to not run cause then she thought that she look rebellious. God, just let this be over with.

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