Chapter 5

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I leaned against the countertop, thinking about life. My phone went off next to me. It was that unknown number again. I sighed and still didn't respond. Without reading the message, I cleared the notification. Lindsey was the next to text me. She told me we should go on a double date. I asked her if she had a date. And she did. I was happy for her. I told her I'd ask Preston.

Finding his number, I tapped it to call him. "Hello?" He asked.

"Hey. Are you busy?" I asked.

"Nah. I'm on break. What's up?"

"Well, my friend Lindsey wants to go on a double date tonight. And I wanted to see if you could come with me."

"Nova Phillips asking me out on a date?" He asked with a chuckle. "Of course. I'd love to accept the date."

"Great. I'll have everyone meet here. Is that okay with you?"

"Yeah. That's totally okay with me. Text me your address and I'll get there after I get off."

"Alright. Sounds good."

He mentioned he had to get back to work. We said our goodbyes and hung up. I told Lindsey that it was alright with us. I told her to meet at my place with her date. She sent me a thumbs up emoji and I chuckled.

I decided to get in the shower as I waited for everyone to get here. Just as I was about to get in the shower, the unknown number called me. I didn't answer and continued to get ready. When I got out of the shower, I walked to my room and dried off my hair a bit. I threw on a pair of black skinny jeans with a light blue button down and all black sneakers. I made my way to the bathroom and blow dried my hair. I decided to straighten it and put on light make up.

I checked my phone and saw that Lindsey was on her way. She was gonna be early. It's only four. I shrugged it off. Anxiety suddenly began to run through me. This double date could go well, or horrible. I suddenly began to rethink about accepting it. Grabbing my phone from the dresser, I was nearly thirty seconds away from sending Lindsey some excuse. But I decided it was going to be beneficial for Preston and me. It will help grow us closer. I set the phone down and sighed. "You're gonna be okay." I whispered to myself.

A knock came from the front door. I ran downstairs to open it. Lindsey stood there with someone behind her. I allowed them in. Lindsey stopped in the middle of the room.

"Nova, I'd like for you to meet Brandon." She smiled.

"It's nice to meet you." I smiled and shook his hand.

"It's nice to meet you too." He responded.

"Where's Preston?" Lindsey looked around.

"He's still at work. So, he probably won't be here for another couple hours."

She nods. Her and her date sat down on the couch. I saw Lindsey and her date start kissing and making out. I walked out of the room and decided to sit at the island in the kitchen. I messed around with my phone, hoping I get a text soon from Preston. Someone entered the kitchen. The person sat down next to me.

"You okay?" I heard Lindsey ask next to me.

"I'll be fine." I responded without looking at her.

She sighed. "I'll stop with Brandon. I'm sorry."

I shook my head. "Is he the reason why you haven't been responding to me? Or cutting our phone calls short?"

Lindsey didn't say anything. I heard her get up off the stool and walk out of the room. A stray tear fell down my face. She's found someone better than me. Yet, she's known me longer and chooses some guy over her best friend. I decided to let Lindsey and her date have their alone time. I stayed in the kitchen. Eventually, I heard my phone go off. I look down and saw it was from Preston. He was on his way. A smile crept on to my face. I heard Lindsey laughing hysterically from the other room.

I could already tell this night was going to be hell.

My phone went off again. It was from Preston saying he was outside. I had the biggest smile on my face. Going outside I saw him walking up my driveway. I held myself from jumping in his arms. He walked up to me and wrapped his arm around my waist. I felt him kiss my cheek.

"May I say you look beautiful tonight." He said with a smile.

My cheeks heated up. "Thank you." I said with a smile.

We went inside. Lindsey jumped up from her spot. "Attention everyone! The world's cutest couple just walked in."

My cheeks heated up again. I heard Preston chuckle. He wrapped his arm around me. "Some can say that's true." He said while looking at me.

Preston's smile made me melt. We finally decided on a place to eat. Lindsey was going to follow Preston and I. We all made our way to our cars. I decided to drive my car. I got in and started it up. Preston got in shortly after. I backed out and Lindsey followed suit. I decided to not really say anything.

"You okay?" Preston asked.

I shrugged. "I'll be fine."

Preston rested his hand on mine. Something deep down told me this was wrong. I let out a shaky sigh. "I'm right here." Preston said.

I nod and tried to hold back the tears. My anxiety was getting the best of me. We arrived at the restaurant. I put the car in park and just stayed in my place. Lindsey was already out of the car locking lips with her date. She didn't see that I was crying. Figures since she was too busy with Brandon.

"Nova," Preston whispered. "Look at me."

I tried not to. I didn't want to. But I did. I could see the hurt in Preston's eyes. "What's wrong?" He positioned himself to look at me.

"It's just anxiety."

"I'm right here. I'm gonna give you the attention you need. Because I can tell your friend isn't being much of a 'friend'." He chuckled and so did I.

Preston pulled me into a side hug. I breathed in his scent. I calmed down a little bit. He kissed my forehead.

"Alright, let's go in."

I smiled as he got out. He met me in front of my car and grabbed my hand. I did feel better. And I was happy Preston hasn't changed yet.

After dinner, Lindsey and Brandon went back to her place. Preston came back with me.

"I have a question." I said as we walked up my driveway.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Do you mind staying here for a little bit longer? We can watch a movie or something." I asked nervously.

Preston stopped me in my tracks. He rested his hands on my waist. "I'd love to." He smiled and kissed my forehead.

I smiled as we made our way into my house. I sat down on the couch and grabbed the remote to look through Netflix. Preston sat down next to me. I found a movie and grabbed my blanket from the recliner next to me.

"Come here." Preston said and opened his arms.

I smiled and rested my head on his chest as his arm wrapped around me. I believe I was getting the hang of this "almost relationship" bit. And I couldn't be prouder of myself.

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