Chapter 1

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"Hand me the seven-millimeter socket." I searched the kit and grabbed the socket needed. I handed the socket to my father and he crawled back under the vehicle. I heard a grunt and the ratchet turn.

I sat cross-legged and waited for my dad to come up with another command. The cool summer breeze felt good. "Hand me the flathead screwdriver." I searched the toolbox for a flathead. I handed him the screwdriver.

"Nova! John! Dinner's ready!" I heard Mom call from somewhere outside the front.

"Come on Dad." I said and tugged at his leg. "Mom's calling us."

Dad rolled out on his creeper and sat up. He set the ratchet and the screwdriver on the ground. His hands were black. I stood up and he stood up. He pulled me into a hug. "One day," he started. "This'll be your car. You will be able to build it with no problems." We looked back at the car. "Remember," Dad looked down at me. "You better take care of this car far after I'm gone. You're gonna cherish this like it's your sibling. Promise?"

I smiled and pulled him into a hug. "I promise."

"Come on," he set a hand on my back. "Let's head inside."

Mom scoffed and shook her head. "Look at you two." Dad and I looked at each other. "My grease monkeys. Go on. Wash up."

I walked upstairs to the bathroom and once I finished, I went back down to be greeted with a delicious meal. Mom was waiting patiently for me and Dad to show up. I sat down in the seat across from my dad. There was small talk between my parents. I listened, but didn't say much.

When dinner was over, I walked into the living room and turned on the T.V. Mom and Dad were cleaning up the kitchen. I sat on the couch and watched whatever was on. Dad came into the room. He sat down next to me.

"Say, we gotta little bit of daylight left. You wanna help me finish up the car?"

I shrugged. "I'm sort of tired."

"That's okay honey. We'll finish it tomorrow." He pulled me in to a side hug.

I smiled up at him. "Can you watch T.V with me?"

Dad chuckled. "Yeah. Sure thing."

So, that's what we did for the rest of the night. We watched T.V. As I was beginning to fall asleep, Dad carried me upstairs.

"Goodnight, baby girl." He kissed my forehead.

I smiled and pulled the blanket up to my chin. Dad chuckled. "Goodnight daddy."

He smiled. He flipped off the light switch and then I felt the sleep hit my eyes. I then fell in to a peaceful sleep.

There was banging. Screaming. I smelled something. But I couldn't quite tell what it was. Someone opened my door. I felt someone picking me up.

"Do you have her?" The sound of my dad's frantic voice yelled.

"Yes, John. I have her."

I felt heat fill the space around me. I looked at my mom. A loud crashing noise surrounded us. I felt myself falling. I hit the floor and a cracking noise came from my arm.

Tears fell down my face. "Mommy? Daddy?" I looked around the room. There was a shadow on the floor. I slowly made my way over and saw my dad stuck under a piece of wood.

"Cadi, go call for help." He said slowly.

"But I can't leave you." I cried.

"Please, baby. Go." He wrapped his hand around mine. I kissed his forehead and made my way over to the kitchen. This fire hasn't made it here yet. I grabbed a chair and climbed up onto the counter.

How was an eight-year-old able to call for help? But then I remembered what I learned from my parents. The number came to my head. I dialed it. Smoke was filling in the room I was in. Some stranger's voice filled the other side of the phone.

"9-1-1. Please state your emergency." It was a female voice.

"You have to help. My mommy and daddy are stuck." I coughed out.

"What do you mean?"

"The house is on fire. They are stuck under parts of the ceiling."

"Listen, tell me what your name is sweetheart."

"Nova. My name's Nova."

"Okay Nova. I need to stay on the phone with me. Are your parents okay?"

"I don't know."

There was no response on the other side. "We're sending help now." After moments of silence.

I followed the ladies order and stayed on the phone. I told her that I had to go check on my dad. She told me to not go to the part of the house that was on fire. She told me to go find a towel and wet it and then wrap it around me. I did as she said. Help finally arrived. I thanked to person and hung up the phone. Someone kicked open the door and they saw my parents first. Another person came into the kitchen.

They picked me up and carried me outside. I saw my parents being rolled into a truck and they were gone.

"Where are my parents going?" I asked the strange man.

"They are going to get help." He smiled and handed me something. "Here, breathe into this."

I did as he ordered. "Will I be able to see my parents?"

The man looked at me. "Yes. Very soon."

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