Epilogue part 3

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We were in the hospital at the time and i was holding Justice hand. From the look on her face i could only imagine the amount of pain she feeling right now.I thank God that i was born a male and not a female.( no offence to all the female readers.btw i am a female my self ). Looking back at her face to see the type of expression on her beautiful face cause my heart to ache to know that i was the reason she's going through so much pain.i can't help but to think if she went through this much pain when giving birth to the twins.  Knowing that i was not there to help her cope with the pain really cuase  my ego to burst. All that matters now is that i'm here now and will forever be with her no matter what the circumstances are .

I started to think if the babies would look like me or their mother. it doesn't matter to me really.who will have our eye color, nose, mouth, and hair color. Will they be tall like me when they start to grow. I really do wish that the grow up to be kind and gentle like their mother,and won't make the same mistake as me when i was younger.

I was brought out my thought to hear my love scream in pain as she start to push.Also by the tightening grip on my fingers. When i tried to pull my hands out of her's she mange to keep her tight grip.Pulling my hands away from her was no use at all ,because she will not let me go. when i look at my hand i could see my fingers start to turn blue from the lack of blood flow .

The doctor came to check  if she was fully dilated yet .After checking he told us it was time for her to start pushing.

While the doctor's and nurses started to get ready justice was starting to yell at them to hurry up. i thought i could clam her down but boy was i wrong.

"justice darling you have to clam down the doctor and nurse are getting clean up so you can have the babies in no time OK." she turn to look at me as if am crazy.

"why don't you shut the hell up your the reason why i'm in so much pain." All i could do was agree with her on this one.

"i know love but your scaring the young doctor and also the nurses."

" so what should you think i should do about that."

"i think you should apologize when we're done OK."


"OK miss. Knowles i will like you to start pushing and count to ten .deal!"


"you could start now "

"OK now take a deep breath ant let's start again."

1 2 3 4 .....10.

"now i could see the head one more push and baby one will be out ok.''

1 2............10

'' Baby one  is a boy . Would you like to cut the cord sir." I could be more happy and repiled yes.

Two hold minutes has pass before baby number two is was able to be brought into this world. he was also a boy to.

"sir and madame do you have names for the boy's as yet?'' the nurse ask. i look at justice so she could give the nurse the name's because she wouldn't tell me for  nothing in this world.

"oh yeah the lil guy that i'm holding  is Adien Alexander Moss and the one that jay is holding is Kadien Kyle Moss.''

"such wonderful names " me and the nurse said at the same time.looking at my mate right now all i wanted to do was  jump in bed with her if you know what i mean.The doctor and nurse left the room and we were all a lone the boy's was asleep.

" Darling i know already ask you once tonight ,but you couldn't answer my so i will ask again. justice my loving gentle and kind mate the mother of my children would you do my the honors of becoming my wife t live as a family for ever." i could see the tears starting to fall from her face so i reach my hand forward and wipe them away.

  "will you marry me justice?"

"yes , yes i will marry you jay. i love you so much ."

"I love you to mi amore  .'' she said yes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



BYE :(

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