i'm what

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it has been two weeks since I was now a member of grace land pack.i really wasn't not feeling well so I went to the pack doctor . he had me do a blood test to found out what is wrong with me .he came back I told me that  I was pregnant .I was shock ,happy and sad .I ask him how far along I am he said three weeks .THREE FREAKING WEEKS. then ask if I would like to know the sex. of corse I said yes .well you have a healthy baby boy and .and ther is an and a girl I just won't ot fainted right there and then.

 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~at home~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I told every body what the doctor said and they were so happy there was not a baby around for two years now.

---------------------------------------------3mths later -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I give brith to my loving babies Justin and jaden . I was going to call   jay but I change my mind I had something better to do .I was going to show him what he miss out. he cloud be in his kids life  if he wan't to .I love my kids soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. 

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