Chapter 7 : Three Generations of Parrilla women

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I kept those headphones in all night, listening to music on the loudest volume. I didn't take them out until 6 am for good measure. At around 8 or 9 o'clock Lana ran into the kitchen giggling, in nothing but Freddi's shirt. She skidded to a stop when she saw me sitting on the counter,  lazily chewing on a toasted bagel. " Oh hi Mariam . What are you doing up ? " She said brushing her bed head hair away from her face. " Uhh its morning ." I said waving my bagel towards the window, where sun rays shined through.  " So you guys finally came up for air ? " I asked, jumping off the counter.

  " UHhh I actually just came to get something in the kitchen. " Lana said blushing to her roots. " In the kitchen ? " I questioned , raising my eyebrows. " mmHmm " She said going to the fridge and not so inconspicuously taking out the whip cream before she dashed into the bedroom giggling.   Bored with my phone , I plopped down on the couch and turned on the television.

There was a movie showing on Lifetime in two minutes called The Double LIfe Of Elenor Kendal and Lana was in it. This should be interesting . I got into a good forty-five minutes of the when a romantic scene between Lana's character and her love intertest came on. " Oh My GOOODD ! MY eyes! " I yelled covering my face with the pillow.

On the screen was a VERY naked Lana and said lover  in an extremely gross situation that I could have lived without seeing. I stumbled aroung blindly lookin for the remote that I threw somewhere across the room in my panic attack. Lana walked into the room , thankfully dressed. " Are you okay Mariam ? I heard you screaming. "  I couldn't even look her in the eye , I was so embarrased. Thats when she decided to look at the tv screen. My face started to heat up even more. "Oh" Lana said laughing.

"Its not funny. My eyes did not need to see that." I said rubbing my eyes trying unsuccesfully to get the image out of my head. "What's not funny  ?" Freddi asked , coming out of the bathroom with only a towel on.  "Really Freddi !!!?!" I screamed covering my eyes.

"Ohh sorry Mariam.." 

"Mariam was watching one of my ovies and she just happened to see a very rated R scene...with me in it ." Lana said biting her finger, to keep from laughing. "Mmm" Freddi said inching closer to Lana and kissing her full on the mouth.

"Okay .. you guys as much as I would love to sit here and watch you make out , I kinda want to go outside know and see the world . Breathe the fresh air . " I exaggerated ,flinging my arms about. " We've been in this house too long .Let's go watch a movie or go to the park . Pleaseeee ? " I pouted.  "I actually have to go pick up my neice. We are going to be babysitting for the next two weeks." Lana said ," But we can still go to the movies if you want ."

"It really doesn't matter I just want to get out of here !! I didn't know you had a sister.I always wanted a sister or to be an older sister. But I got you instead , which is wayyyy better. " I said speaking a mile a minute and hugging Lana. Lana laughed at my enthuseism and hugged me back ," Well I'll take that as a compliment." "And I'm pretty sure I told you I have a sister. " she said closing the door behind us after I grabbed my sweater. 

In the car , I asked Lana lots of questions about her sister. " Yeah she lives back in NewYork with Mama, while we will be living here in Vancouver." "Hey Lana look at this."I said showing her my phone. " Really Mariam ? Hold on the house is right there. " She said rolling her eyes . Once we were parked she took the phone and looked at the picture. It was a picture of Freddi, Lana , and I . "Look at the comments Lana ." Lana gasped. One of the comments read : Who is that ugly bitch in between Lana and Freddi ? How the hell did she get a picture with them? 

"What to do Lana ?" I asked taking my phone back. " Just block her Carino. It doesn't matter. You are family okay ?" 

As we walked into the house, I could here Lana's mother yelling loudly about something. "Oh Lana ! Hi cara mia. And I see you brought Mariam along. Come give you Nonna a hug. " She said engulfing me in a hug and smothering me with kisses.  " Hi Nonna ." I said hugging her back and giving her a shy kiss om the cheek.

"Aunty Lana !! " A cute little voice said , running into Lana. "Gabby ! Hi baby. How are you ? " Lana asked picking Gabby up and kissing her chubby cheeks. " Aunty Lana ... who's that ? " she questioned peeking at me over Lana's shoulder.  " You know how you are your Mama's baby girl ?" Gabby nodded, her pigtails bobbing up and down. " Well , thats my baby girl. Her name is Mariam." Lana said waving me over.

"But she's not a baby .." Gabby laughed ,touching my face,"She's a big girl." 

"Gabby , how old are you ? I asked , brushing backk her fly aways. " I'm three ! " she said proudly , holding up three fingers.

"Gabby where's your Mama ? " Lana asked putting her down. "She's upstairs !" Nonna yelled from the kitchen. " Thanks Mama ! " Lana yelled just as loud , steering me towards the stairs.

Upstairs Lana knocked on Lilley's bedroom door. " Its open Lana. "  "How'd you know it was me ? " Lana asked plopping onto the bed and pulling me with her. " I could hear your big mouth from up here . " Lilley said coming out of the closet. "Is this the infamous Mariam I've been hearing about ? " She asked pointing a hanger in my direction. " Hi " I said laughing. I liked Lilley immediately ,she has such a crazy vibe.

"When I heard Mama going on and on about another grandchild , I thought you were finally pregnant. Instead you come in here with a what ? " she paused her rant to look at me," How old are you sweetheart ? "

"16."  " With a 16 year old girl. " Lilley continued shaking her head.  Lana lifted he shirt and walked to the mirror. " Nope flat as a board . " she said rubbing her stomach.  " Yet... " I smirked to myself .

"Mariam !!! " Lana yelled throwing a pillow at me, laughing. " What ? The two of you left me in the living room for almost  a whole day while you guys had a love fest in your room. " I laughed.  "Shut up ." Lana said pulling her shirt down, her cheeks tinged a light pink. " So are you packing a bag for Gabby or do I have to ? "

"Her baby bag is right there ready to go. " Lilley said pointing to a tiny suitcase and a baby bag. Hearig a llight nocking on the door Lana went to open it . " Hey Gabby Girl. "   "You guys didn't hear me ? I was standing there Fowreverrr. " She exaggarated, her little hands holding her head.  " Mama ! "  Gabby screamed , her little legs running towards her mother. Pointing at me she said, " Doesn't she look like Aunty Lana ?"

"No I don't " I scoffed, standing infront  of the mirror., " I'm not that pretty.." I murmured. Thankfully none heard me . Lana came and beside me . " Hmm, we have the same shaped face. " Lana offered.

"Now that you mention it , Mariam you do look kinda like Lana and Freddi's love child." Lilley commented , putting Gabby's shoes on. " So Llilley continued , " When are you and Freddi gonna start baking your own little buns huh ? Cuz if its your figure you're worried about , you can always get that back."

"Lilley stop monitoring my uterus already, and besides we already have a kid , Mariam." Lana smiled poking me in the cheek affectionately .

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