Chapter 10 : Love and Secrets revealed (not so sure about this title..)

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Author's note

Thankyou lovies for being patient with me and for reading and voting on this book. I appreciate it very much and love you guys for it . I have been studying for my end of term test that are next week and chemistry and POB are kicking my bum. But annnyyway .. here's your chapter. Picture of Liam at the side .


Five and a half weeks later

My pregnancy has progressed wonderfully so far . Alfredo and Mariam have to been to everyone of my doctors appointments. As my 'baby bump' , as Mariam fondly called it grew ,I got hungier an my hormones got wackier. Take yesterday for example, Mariam, Alfredo and I where eating dinner yesterday. I had already finished eating and  I found that  Alfredo was taking way to long to eat , like he didn't want it .. and I was still kind of hungry.  I had almost finished all the fries off his plate before I realized what I had done. Mariam and Alfredo looked me , eyes widened in shock. My cheeks burned with embrassment and shame. Eyes watering with tears , I pushed away from the table ,whispering , " I'm sorry , " before running into the bedroom. I sat on the bed crying , my face buried into a pillow. What is wrong with me ? I could hear knocking on the door and Alfredo asking to come inside. I wasn't ready to face them yet. I knew in the back of my mind ,the part that wasn't clouded by pregnancy brain , that I was being irrational and that the situation wasn't as serious as I thought it was.

"Lana open the door ! Cara what's wrong ? " , Freddi asked knocking on the door.

"Mom .. can you open the door ? .... Please ?" Mariam asked her voice shaking .My heart lurched at the sound of Mariam's voice . She already lost one mother .. gosh I'm already a bad parent. Pushing my hair away from my face , and puffing up my cheeks, I released a breath, and opened the door a crack. I poked my head around the door and whispered meekly, " hi .."

"Mom! Don't scare me like that .. Don't ever lock us out again ! " She whispered against my chest fiercely. " I'm sorry Carino, I didn't mean to scare you .. " I said hugging her back and stroking her hair.

"Lana what's wrong ? Are you okay cara ? " Alfredo asked joining the hug.

I shrugged my shoulders feeling a little silly . " I don't know ?" I said furrowing my eyebrows ,"I just don't feel like myself lately . I feel more than slightly crazy."

"Mom this is normal . Trust me I know .. every woman is different .I felt just as crazy possibly crazier. Given my circumstances." Mariam said giving me a tight hug.

Let's just say yesterday was tiring. Today I to Adam and Eddy , my publicist and my agent yesterday. They all thought that it was a good idea to reveal my pregnancy and Mariam's adoption. They reasoned that my Evil Regals would find out sooner or later and it should be sooner because my baby bump is getting considerably bigger. So the cast and I are going to be interviewed on Ellen next week with a special appearence by Mariam.. When I told Mariam , I could tell that she was scared but put on a brave face for me. " Carino , you don't have to be brave , I get nervous about these things too and sometimes scared."

She looked up at me with unfocused eyes blurry with tears. "What if they say bad things about me ? Or ty to take me away. " she whispered eyes wide with worry.

"Carino ,look at me ." I said taking hold of Mariam's face in my hands, " No one's ever going to hurt you ever again. and no one can take you away from us . You are Alfredo and I's daughter and we will always protect you to the best of our ability. We love you baby girl. "

"I love you too Mama . " she said burrying her face into the crook of my neck, " Is Daddy coming with us ?" 

"Mhhm , but he's going to be in the audience."

Mariam Sanchez : Lost And Foundحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن