Chapter 14

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OKay so i know its been FOREVER since i last uploaded and i apologise. However i have been working on a new book and i will upload the first two chapters of it soon so let me know what you think :D i know this chapter is short but the next one isnt and will also be up in a few minutes. To those fans who are still reading this thank you :D enjoy xxx

Jasmine jolted awake with a start as the door to the room was thrown open. It slammed onto the wall with a loud thud and rebounded noisily. She squinted blearily at the figures that entered the dark room.

Once her eyes had adjusted she recognised the person as Jayden, who was half dragging half carrying, a terrified looking Mark by the collar of his shirt. The expression on Jayden’s usually handsome face was one of pure rage and disgust. Even though it clearly wasn’t directed at her it still made her want to move as far away from him as possible.

She hadn’t forgotten the conversation they had had the last time he had been here and she certainly hadn’t forgotten what he had done but she couldn’t help but be curious as to the reason for Jayden’s blatant fury.

Jayden had stridden only a few steps into the room before he threw a cowering Mark forward onto the cold hard floor. He landed with a yell but instead of retaliating like she had expected him to he merely stayed huddled in front of her on the ground.

Ignoring them both Jayden turned and went to lean against the wall at the back of the room. He would have appeared calm to Jasmine if it wasn’t for the fact both of his hands were clenched so tight that his knuckles were white.

She tried her hardest to stay quiet but eventually her curiosity got the better of her.

“What’s this about Jayden?”

Instead of answering he turned to cast a scornful eye at the back of Mark’s head.

“Well…tell her!”

Mark raised his head to look at her but said nothing.

“TELL HER THE TRUTH!” His voice rang deafeningly around the room.

After a long pause that followed Mark spoke in a harsh, bitter voice.

“Did you like the little gift I gave you? I thought it would be fun to torture you with it…and so it was,” he smiled evilly.

Jayden, seeing Jasmine flinch and her mouth tighten at Mark’s cruel words, launched himself away from the wall and grabbed the man by the scruff of the neck. Bearing his teeth he hissed: “you watch your mouth you disgusting piece of scum.”

Mark’s face contorted with anger but he just continued speaking.

“I went behind Jayden’s back to get the tape because he refused to use it to get information from you, not that I care about the information but I thought it would be enjoyable to watch you squirm. And it was.”

With those words Mark crawled out of the way of Jayden’s fists but luckily he wasn’t paying to him.

“See,” he said earnestly, “I never wanted to use the tape to hurt you.”

“But you still knew that they had murdered my parents. Why didn’t you tell me?” Her head hurt. She wasn’t sure whether to believe him.

He had no answer to that. All he said was:

“I never would have used it. I promise you.”

Jasmine was too overwhelmed to speak. Instead she just nodded.

As much as she wanted to continue hating Jayden for what she had thought he had done she knew that Mark was too arrogant and pig headed to lie for the sake of Jayden’s honour. He must be telling the truth. But what she now began to wonder was why Jayden had worked so hard to prove his innocence to her.

However before she had the chance to voice her query Jayden walked over, grabbed Mark roughly by the shoulder and hauled him out of the room without a word. Mark on the other hand fought and yelled all the way. She could not make out most of what he was say but as he disappeared out of her line of sight his voice slipped through the doorway as Jayden continued to pull him away.

“You’ll pay for this you filthy little bitch.”

As the door closed behind them Jasmine wondered whether he would get his revenge in the end.

She had not expected him to return but after a few minutes Jayden re-entered the room, slamming the door violently behind him. Without a word he began to pace quickly back and forth in front of her.

It was a long while before he spoke again.

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