Chapter 10

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  • Dedicated to Issy Smout

Sorry its been so long. i've been on holiday and then i've been busy with homework and stuff. Just started Year 10 and im already freaking out!! I would like to acknowledge 'nedinabed' for helping me greatly with this chapter!! :) i hope you enjoy this chapter and that it gives you a bit more insight into Chase and his feelings for Jasmine. As per usual VOMMENT!! thanks a munch bunch :D xoxox

 Oh and also a MASSIVE thank you to nedinabed for helping me out with this chapter! i TOLD you u were a great writer!! :D xxx

Chase was careful, as usual, not to smash his head on the doorframe as he strode into Mr Hodge’s office once more, scanning around the dimly lit room with his eyes, just to check that no-one was in there; if Mr Hodge found out that he was doing this, he would be in big trouble, and he had no intention on being fired any time soon. He loved his job and the people that came with it. And of course the exhilarating thrill of putting your life in constant danger.

The office was large, but the space hadn’t been used very well. All of the filing cabinets had been placed close together along the grey walls, in a display of almost obsessive neatness. Mr Hodge’s black leather office chair was tucked neatly in to his antique walnut desk, and directly in front of it was a stack of papers. Inquisitive, Chase walked over to the desk tentatively, not daring to sit down in the chair in case Mr Hodge unexpectedly returned, even though he supposedly had just gone out for lunch, and he knew better than to touch any of the papers. If there was so much as a pencil out of place he knew Mr Hodge would go berserk. If there was a scale for OCD the guy would be a 10.

So after glancing at the papers and realising they were not of any importance to him he made his way over to the filing cabinets which he knew kept record of completed and outstanding cases. He just had to find the one involving the demise of Jasmine’s parents. Chase almost laughed at the thought. If only it were that easy.

He hoped that somewhere in all of those sheets there would be some clue to what really happened to her parents, or the whereabouts of Jasmine. He had long figured out that something was wrong. Very wrong. Ever since that phone call he had received from Mr Hodge when he was searching her flat, claiming that Jasmine had rung him from her mobile, saying she wanted time alone; but her phone had been on the table right in front of him. Something was definitely going on; he just hoped he could find out what.

He began to reach for the top drawer of the first cabinet when he froze. He heard the faint sound of footsteps travelling in his direction. As they grew closer however he recognised the distinct clack clack clack of Mr Hodge’s secretary’s heels; at least there was the possibility that he might be able to lie his way out of trouble if she found him. All of his muscles were tense and he strained to hear if there were another set of footsteps. Nearer and nearer the single set of footfalls came until they must have been only a few metres from the door. Chase was no longer breathing.

But then the sounds began to grow fainter…and fainter until he could no longer hear them. The secretary must have turned down the next corridor which headed to the lunch room.

At last Chase let go of his held breath in one huge, shaky sigh. Maybe luck was on his side.

Chase pulled the first metal drawer open, licked his index finger and began to leaf through the pieces of paper, keeping a close eye out for anything that might help him find her.  Although she was rarely in the office anymore anyway, her lack of presence was constantly on his mind.

He rifled through the contents as thoroughly as he could but also as quickly as he could. He knew at best he only had around twenty minutes max before Mr Hodge returned to his office after his lunch so he had to work fast. Finding nothing in the first three drawers her searched he moved on to the next cabinet. The label that was stuck at the front

He could leave now and return another day or risk it and maybe find the crucial information he was after.

He would have to risk it, he decided. Especially if it turned out what he was looking for. So, with ears straining to detect any more footsteps heading his way, giving furtive glances to both the clock and the door he opened the final drawer he began searching though.

3 Minutes till the end of lunch

Surely Mr Hodge would be on his way back now. Just a few more files to go and he would reach the back. It must be there, hidden right at the very back behind all of the others. Fingers shaking with nerves and anticipation he shuffled through the remaining files.

Finally reached the back of the drawer and found…

Nothing. Absolutely nothing!

Chase stared dejectedly at the filing cabinets, his stomach filling with horror. Where was it? This was the only place where unfinished cases were stored so if it wasn’t here…where could it be? And is the fact it’s not here somehow linked to Jasmine’s sudden disappearance?

She must have found it!

The thought suddenly sprang into his head. It was obvious to him now. Of course, she must have been trying to find out information on her parents’ deaths. No wonder Mr Hodge had been acting so strangely; he didn’t want her to find out the truth.

So where was she now then? And how on earth was he going to find her?

His only option now, he realised, was to go back and search her flat. If he was right, and he was almost certain he was, the only place the file could be was at her flat. But then that meant Mr Hodge didn’t know what she was doing either, so he couldn’t count on the agency for help. Jasmine clearly didn’t want him to know and he wasn’t about to go and rat on her. From here on out he was on his own.

Could he really do this? Would he really be able to save Jasmine all by himself? She might not even be in trouble but a sinking feeling in his gut disagreed with him.

For a moment he pictured her face in his mind. Her steely, determined eyes, her full pink lips and her head of wild flowing hair. Yes. Yes was the answer to both his questions.

He only hoped he could recover the information he needed and could get to her in time. Because if anything happened to her…

He dashed out of the room as quickly as possible but slowed his stride to a brisk walk as he travelled down the corridor, not wanting to raise suspicion. At last he reached his car. Jumping in he started the engine at once and drove off.

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