Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to Shreya Singhal

Heyy, so i hope you're enjoying the story, heres chapter 2!!! :D

 P.s. Happy Red Nose Day!!!

A candle flickered in the corner; it was the only source of light in the room. He watched as she struggled and eventually conceded to being shoved through the door. He waited in the shadows where she couldn’t see him. He watched, amused, as Mark cooed patronizingly at her. Finally sitting down in the only chair in the room, he watched her.

Jasmine stared frantically around the dark room trying to see something, anything; but it was too dark. She didn’t know exactly why but her heart was suddenly pounding and her head was screaming at her to get out of there, something was wrong. As the sound of a lock being pulled shut sounded behind her Jasmine heard a familiar chuckle emanate from the darkness slightly in front of her. Suddenly a bright light flickered on momentarily blinding her, and when her vision cleared he stepped forward…smirking. His sparkling green eyes watched her face fervently as the emotions passed through her face. Shock. Confusion. Understanding. Disgust. And finally resting on…Hatred.

How could he be here? She hadn’t seen him in 3 years, but she had heard about him. The rumours, the gossip and the stories that were always circulating her office, of things he had done, horrible things. Jasmine had always tried to ignore these, trying to remember him as he had been not who it seemed he had become. Now, as he stood before her she wished it wasn’t him, that she could close her eyes and pretend it was another everyday crook.

But there was no denying it…it was him. Who else could have that finely sculpted jaw, that stylishly messy chocolate brown hair and those green eyes? Sparkling like jewels. You could easily have lost yourself in those eyes, back then. But now, instead of holding warmth they were cold and calculating and focused completely on her.

Even as she tried to analyse the situation she felt a shiver of fear slide ever so slowly down her spine. Because deep down she knew what he was capable of. Jasmine took a steadying breath and looked straight into his face. So, she thought to herself, this is what has become of the infamous Jaden Miller.

“Long time no see,” Jasmine said dispassionately. She waited, but he gave no answer. He just stared at her, with an almost neurotic expression. It was beginning to unnerve her, the way he watched her. Kind of like the way a lion watched it’s pray…before it struck.

“Fine,” she said “let’s cut to the chase, what do you want?” Her voice came out strong and steady, completely the opposite of what she was feeling inside. However she was experienced at hiding her emotions from other people. “Sometimes you put walls up not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down.” That’s what her mother has always said to her and so far she had stuck to it. People had only ever caught glimpses of what was underneath, even when her parents had died and she had sat alone in her room crying, great shuddering sobs that robbed her of her breath, as soon as she left that safe haven her walls were back up and her mask put back in place.

Jaden was still staring at her as if they had all the time in the world. Unfortunately Jasmine’s patience was wearing thin; if he was going to attack her then he should just hurry up and do it already. She was already pissed off at the fact she had let herself get into the situation but if he wanted her then, by god, she was going to go kicking and screaming all the way.

“What, what are you staring at? Answer me! You must have something to say, some stupid demands that you want me to conform to, anything. For that matter I have some questions for you: Why are you here? No-one’s seen you for 3 years; you just left without telling anyone. And do you know the sort of stuff I’ve been hearing, the sick and twisted things that you apparently have done? Are they true? God Jaden what happened to you? And don’t just stand there with that stupid smirk on your face, ANSWER ME!”

Jasmine stood there glaring at him, her chest heaving. She balled her hands into fists to sop them shaking from the extent of her rage. “Well?”

“It’s good to see you, Jasmine,” he said calmly as the echoes of her voice died down.

Her hollow laugh echoed in the silent room, “Is that really all you have to say to me?”

“Actually, we have a lot to discuss, but that will all come in due time,” he chuckled darkly “You’re going to be here for a while so you may as well get comfortable,”

“See, that’s where you’re wrong,” said Jasmine slowly trying to reach subtly into her right boot to reach her knife. She knew she had to get out of there right now. She gulped as his eyes flickered to her moving hand, and froze. Thousands of questions where flying around in her head: Why had he left? What had he been doing all this time? Were the rumours true? But she had a feeling that if she didn’t get out now she would never get the opportunity to voice them.

“Oh, I don’t think you’re you’ll be needing that,” he said as he took a slow, menacing step towards her.

His eyes were gleaming now, almost as if in anticipation. He wanted her to attack; he thought he was better than her. Well…he was wrong.

Ever since her parents deaths she had pushed herself harder than ever. She had become the best. And now everyone knew at the company her name.

On the other hand she had no idea what more Jaden had learned since he had run away. She knew he had kept on training. That much was obvious from his well-defined muscles that were clearly visible through his tight, black shirt.

 So she had to plan her next moves very carefully. Obviously she no longer had the element of surprise with her knife, but a sudden, full on, physical attack may just give her the edge and compensate for her smaller frame.

She slowly removed her hand from the top of her boot and straightened up, readying herself to jump.

“Fine, but just answer me one thing: wh…” And then she lunged. Straight for him, pushing off hard on her back leg, hoping to knock him to the ground and pin him down. After she had done that however, she had no idea.

But it turned out that didn’t matter. As soon as she had begun to propel herself forwards she saw the corners of his mouth pull up into a smug grin. His arm, which had been concealed in his trouser pocket now swung in a wide arc towards her throat. She managed to grab a hold of his broad shoulders before she felt the sharp sting of a needle go into her neck.

She gasped in surprise. Almost immediately she felt her arm going numb. In the seconds that followed her legs began to shake and then completely went out from underneath her. Before she could fall to the floor, however, Jaden slipped an arm around her waist to support her. Jasmine clutched feebly at his shirt collar.

“What…have…you done? You…bastard,” she whispered in a slurred voice.

Her head was spinning and she could hardly keep her eyes open. The only thing she could see was her reflection in his pupils. It was as if she was falling down…down into the swirling storm of Jaden’s emerald green eyes. The last thing she heard before the blackness engulfed her was the sound of Jaden’s voice, mocking her.

“Sleep well, gorgeous!” he cooed.

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