Chapter 11

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  • Dedicated to Sam Law

Hayy guys sooo this is my next chapter. i hope you like it :D tell me what u think of Jayden, do you believe that he had nothing to do with it??? please VOMMENT thanks :D

and thanks to nedinabed for helping with the beginning


Jayden walked briskly into the room, as he did every so often, with a round metal tray that had on it a glass of water and a cheese sandwich. This was what Jasmine would usually get given whenever she got fed, which was not very often.

Except for this time there was also small fairy cake on the tray, as a small peace offering after what had happened between them a few days ago. He placed it down on the small table that had recently been placed in the room near her. He started preparing himself for what he was sure to be the arduous process of feeding her when-out of habit- he glanced over to where Jasmine was sitting. He had expected her to look over to him and glare, but instead he noticed that she sat with her shoulders hunched and crossing her arms protectively over her body, rocking back and forth as much as her ties could allow her.

                                                                                                  Concerned at her strange and unusual behavior, as he knew it was impossible that it was because he had upset her that much the last time he had visited, he started to walk slowly towards Jasmine’s chair. He crouched down beside her and tried to peer into her eyes but she wouldn’t meet his gaze.

He could see that her face was taut and extremely pale, much paler than her usual porcelain skin. She had purple bags under her eyes and her lips were pressed into a thin line. Jayden lent towards her more trying to catch her eye.

“Jasmine look at me.”

She ignored him and continued to stare blankly at the wall.


When she still gave no response he began to move towards her. Jayden extended his arm and although not exactly sure what to do he was certain that something was very wrong.

“Don’t touch me.” She said in a hollow voice. Still she refused to look at him.

He flinched slightly at the sound of her voice. It was so sad and dejected, as if she had lost all faith in mankind.

Ignoring her words he reached out again and placed his hand on her shoulder-shaking her a little. Her head lolled back and forth slightly but she gave no other reaction.

He had half expected her to lunge forward try to attack him. Considering the way they had parted last time he was surprised she was acting like this. He’d expected to find her full of snarky remarks and sarcasm but instead he’s found a woman who barely seemed to care about anything anymore.

Needing to look into her face and discover what was wrong he slid his hand slowly up her neck, planning to cup her cheek and force her to look at him.

For some reason her needed her to show she recognised him. But as the tips of his fingers reached her face she jerked violently away from him-recoiling.

“I said DON’T TOUCH ME!” her voice shook with emotion and it rang across the room startling Jayden enough for him to take a cautious step back, away from her.

He stared at her incredulously. As soon as the words left her lips she snapped her mouth shut abruptly as if she the words had just sprung from her with her deciding to say them. Meeting Jayden’s shocked gaze for only a second he could see the sheen of un-shed tears over her eyes. But she turned away; concealing her face from him before any could fall.

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