Chapter 29

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Sophie was woken by hushed whispering. It was dark with a single lamp on and Sophie was in the healing center. She swallowed and turned her head and saw Elwin talking to someone. His voice was too quiet for Sophie to hear, and suspicion made Sophie glare at the man she didn't recognize. Elwin pointed to something off to the right at his voice raised a little, though enough for Sophie to hear.

"There was some type of poison on that blade. I need to figure out what it is so I can get it out of Sophie's system! What part of that do you not understand? The poison is doing something to her body and I haven't been able to stop it or even change it in the slightest way! I need to know what it is so I can get Sophie better!"

"I understand your concerns but we are trying. We haven't been able to figure out what it is. We are trying our hardest to get the cure to help Miss Foster. "

 "I need the knowledge now! She doesn't have much time left with what that poison is doing to her right now. I have barley kept the poison at bay but it will soon grow immune to the elixirs I am forcing it back with! Sophie's life is at your hands and all you do is sit and twiddle your thumbs! Get going already! Shoo! If I don't get that knowledge by tomorrow you will be sure to pay!" The tall man scrambled out and Sophie could hear him running.

"Elwin?" Sophie asked. Elwin turned to her, and rushed to her side.

"You're not suppose to be awake." Elwin's voice pitched a little and Sophie pretended not to notice. Elwin was already handing Sophie a elixir, but Sophie froze in mid reach. Something seemed to be buzzing in the back of her head. She reached back and rubbed the spot. Nothing was there, but it felt like something was in her hair.

"Sophie! WHat is it?"

"I don't know. It's like something is caught in my hair or somthing." Elwin looked through her hair, but didn't find anything.

"It's like..." Sophie mumbled. "It's like something is caught in my hair and trying to fly away."

"Fly away?" Elwin asked.

"Ya. I can feel it right here." She pointed to a spot on the back of her head and Elwin checked it.

"I don't see anything Sophie." Sophie was rubbing her neck when she noticed a bandage on her shoulder. She gasped when she suddenly remembered what happened. Everglen was gone. The Neverseen attacked again. The pain though. Sophie winced when she remembered the throbbing that wouldn't stop and the waves that brought new horror.

"What's wrong Sophie?" Elwin asked.

"It's just, Everglen...."

"I know." Elwin whispered.



"How long have I been sleeping?"

"Well, it's been a couple weeks.."

"Weeks!" Sophie yelped.

"How bad? Was the wounds?"

"You came pretty close again." Elwin mumbled, messaging his neck. "Bullhorn flipped. He was screaming and causing me to have a panic attack."

"Oh." Sophie whispered. "And, what did you mean? About the  poison? When you were talking to the man?"

"Well, there was some type of poison on the blade Alvar threw at you. I couldn't figure out what it was and I could only prevent it for a couple hours at a time. I called some elves that are specialized in poison, but they haven't figured it out. They don't even seem to be trying." He snorted.

"Why don't I feel anything? The poison must be doing something. Like, there's no throbbing or anything."

"There isn't?" Elwin's head snapped up and he met her eyes.


"That's funny. I haven't given you a elixir since this morning. Which was many hours ago." He whispered, pacing.

"I feel fine now." Sophie said.

"Could I.. um.. see Fitz?" Elwin stopped pacing and looked over at her before continuing to pace.

'I might be able to get a hold of his father to send him over. But it's late. You should wait til morning."

"No. I need to talk to him now." Sophie whispered. Elwin stopped pacing again and turned to face her.

"You sure?"

"Yes. I need to talk to him. About something." Elwin nodded and walked into his office. After a minute, Elwin came back out.

"He'll be here in a couple minutes."

Hi again.

Thx for reading

U r truly a blessing

Sophie kidnapped (again) *finished and editing*Where stories live. Discover now