Chapter 4

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Sophie felt Fitz take her hand and link with her mind right before she entered Luna's head. 

Luna? Sophie transmitted it as quiet as she could, but Luna still skidded back as Sophie's mental voice entered her head. Luna looked looked at Sophie, ears twitching nervously.

Luna. I'm friend. Sophie held out a hand and Luna immediately accepted it, sniffing for treats.


Yes! I'm, your mama's friend too.

Mama friend?  

Yes. Sophie sent a mental picture of Sophie and Silveny flying and Luna whinnied.

Mama friend! Mama friend!

Wow. She isn't nearly as loud as Silveny. Fitz's voice filled her's and Luna's head, making both jump. Sophie had totally forgot about Fitz being there. Luna looked a little panicked.

He's another friend. It's ok.


His name is Fitz.


Yes. I'm Sophie.

Sophie! Fitz! Friends! 

Sophie beamed and stroked Luna's nose. Leaving Luna's mind, she turned towards Wynn, who looked suspiciously between Sophie and Luna. Silveny watched both foals carefully, while Greyfall eyed Fitz and Sophie. Sophie entered Wynn's mind and sent a gentle plea.


Luna friend!


Fitz! Sophie! Luna! Friends!

Sophie pulled out of Wynn's mind and looked over at Fitz. "How..?" she started, but sudden darkness blanked out her vision. She heard the alicorns start screaming and Sophie panicked, her thoughts immediately turning to when she and Fitz were attacked and given the echoes. Something hit her head and Sophie collapsed, stars dancing before her eyes. She heard struggle and the alicorns screams. There was muttering that she couldn't make out, but then she heard running feet.

Hope strangled her, but pain soared through her head as she was hit yet again, but this time, she didn't remain conscious. 

Sophie kidnapped (again) *finished and editing*Where stories live. Discover now