Part 32 - Dilema

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"Move out?"

"Yes, I still have yet to reply to my old manager but I think I'm going to take back my old job and home. To go back to how things were before."

"You wish to leave?"

I turned heterochromia eyes to meet forest ones and I wished I hadn't... he looked... heartbroken? No, that thought was impossible. The way this man treat me in the past was merely as a toy, a plaything for his own personal amusement. He had helped me yes, but if I died would it really matter to him? After our last serious conversation at least; would it...

"Mephisto, it works out better for us both in the end."

"How so?"

His voice was bitter, testing my logic as I swallowed hard but refusing to turn away from the male.

"You said so yourself that I was doing well before, and if you care so much about me then you wouldn't mind me living as before now that you know I am under your constant care and protection."

"Are you saying that you wish to live under the Faust mansion no longer?"

'Say no.'

"I... don't know..."

Mephisto straightened his form as he stared down at me with a professional aura I hadn't seen since that time in his office.

"Very well, I shall allow you to decide your own fate belle. Good day.~"

I flinched back at his tone, and within that blink he was gone from my sight. I glanced around the area for any sight of the violet haired man but saw nothing. I sighed heavily, I didn't want to head back to the academy just yet... So I made my way back to my old home, my old comfort. I stared up at the old building, it looking all the more ominous from not being lived in for so long as I pushed open the gate with the familiar squeak the bottom screw gave under the pressure. At one time I found that noise comforting, almost like a welcome home after a long day; but now... it sounded haunting... How and why? I had been here not too long ago with no problem... the sound as comforting as ever... so why now?

'Go back!'

I walked up to the front door and fit my key in before pushing open the wooden barrier with a small creak. It wasn't just the gateway that felt ghost like... the house itself felt dreary... I heaved off a sigh before dusting off my hands to remove my previous thoughts. I headed into the kitchen and dove under the counter to grab cleaning products that were still there, after checking to ensure they were still in date I took the opportunity to clean the area I was in for old time sake and a pass time. Spraying Dettol along the surfaces I ran a rag along the dusty counter; turning grey into white almost instantly. I continued to clean the kitchen; dusting, mopping, wiping... it took a lot longer than I would have liked it to but I got it done no less. I rubbed the sweat from my temple and opened the back door to let some air in and remove the smell of bleach as I flicked my phone open and clicking on my emails.

'Don't do it.'

I stared at the little open envelope with Happy-Bakery written next to it, clicking on the icon as it turned blue for a second before opening the email.

'Don't do it.'

I hit the reply button and started to think about how to respond. How should I word it exactly? Was it a good idea to do this? I pressed buttons, fingers moving quickly from years of constant texting. It's Alice... I just wanted to respond to your... request? Yeah, that sounds right... about my return to Happy Bakery.

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