Chapter 1 - The Blonde

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He hurriedly grabs the coffee, receiving more stares from people confused on the name. Were they aware too? Some had a skeptical look on their face, not sure if it was an act or reality.

I notice his face get red as he goes to grab his cup

"Thank you" I hear him mumble to the worker.

He rushes out of the cafe and into the streets of the city. There was no way I could let him go without seeking the truth. I maneuver my way out of the cafe and turn to the direction he faced. He was off and going, speedwalking through the streets trying to get out of view. He looked like his was going to the pace of Running in the '90s, but I luckily was able to keep pace.

He shoots a glance behind him and notices me following, and he quickly breaks into a faster pace, close enough to a run.

"No, stop! I want to ask you something! Please stop for a second I'm not going to hurt you!" I chase after him, I have to know the truth.

"Leave me alone, I'm not in the mood for an interrogation right now" He shoots back at me

"If you could stop for just a second, that's all I ask!"

"Fine, but just one question, I'm in a hurry right now"

"I was wondering... that.. if.." His eyes are lasering through me, kind of intimidating noticing his physique. He was muscular, more than me, and now I was hoping to make it out of the conversation with all my teeth.

"Well?" Drift said impatiently

"Are you really from Fortnite?"

"No" He turns away, but not before I grab his arm

"Tell me the truth"

"You grab me like that again and you won't be able to see for the next two weeks" He threatens

"S- Sorry, but please, tell me. If you are, then why are you here?"

"First off, you said one question, and second..." He trails off, hesitating with his answer "Yes, I am from 'Fortnite' or whatever you guys call it"

"No fucking way, maybe my wish came true after all."

"Wish? I hate to break it to you man but I have a girlfriend, I'm not into other men."

"Girlf- other me- No! No, no no no I'm not gay. It has nothing to do with that. I wished for change, and I guess it's coming at me."

"Look it was nice talking to you..."


"It was nice talking to you (Y/N), but I really have to go" He turns to walk away again

"Why are you here though? What happened?"

He stops and sighs, putting his hand on his forehead in dread.

"I... got sent back... through the rift."

"Rift? Those blue butterfly looking things that teleport you?"

"Yes, the one I was forced into was the one similar to the one that brought me to the island, but I don't have much time or chance of making it back."

His shoulders slump, I could tell he was upset about that last thought of never going back. I approach him and lay a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"I want to help you"

"How? All I have is instructions on forming a rift, but it's too sciencey nerdy for me to comprehend."

"May I take a look?"

"Have at it"

He hands me the piece of paper listing the instructions. I take a look at it before noticing something wrong.

"Drift this is a shopping list from Brite"

"Hmm? Oh shit sorry, heh, wrong list."

He quickly snatched the list back, rummaging through his pockets to find the right one.  I couldn't help but crack a smile, something on that list caught my eye.

"Condoms?" My feeble attempt to hold back a chuckle broke my attempt at holding a serious face.

Drift paused, heat rising in his face.  He looked like a deer in headlights, which didn't help ease my laughter.

"I- I don't know what you're talking about," After this first encounter I know that he's a terrible liar, especially when he's caught off guard.

"At least the ship is confirmed"

"The what?"


He finally digs through enough pockets to pull out the correct set of instructions.  The list is fairly short but lengthy for each step. All we need is to select a certain point and cast a very specific frequency in order to cause a disruption or a rift in space.

"I told you, very nerdy and complicated. I don't know if I'll make it back in time, I might never see her again." He turns away and sheds a single tear, I notice it the second it hits the ground.

This is my chance to help, to bring change to my life, to make it much more than it already is. I have to help Drift get back, I can't leave him like this.

"Come with me, I can bring you home"


"You know, I'm somewhat of a scientist myself"

"Now isn't the time for memes"

"Sorry, but I was a major math and science geek in school, I could help you"

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?"

"Trust me, I will get you home."

"I hope you're right" He extends his arm outward to me, I shake it with confidence.

"Let's get started"


AAAAA I hope it's somewhat decent

This is the first chapter I'm writing so I'm sorry if it is trash AF

Critiques would be very appreciated

Holy cow 1400 words, I felt like I was writing an essay

It may be a while until Calamity and the Reader meet so please be patient!

I want to develop some character background and how they came to the island.

Hope you guys enjoyed! More chapters coming soon!


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