“Stop living in the past, Baby sister.” She said as she took a seat on the arm of the sofa. I looked up at her through my now tear stained eyes, scrambling to pull on my track pants. “That was many years ago. I’m not that person anymore.” She said it as if it was the easiest thing in the world. I sat where I was on the floor as I brought my knees up to my chest, hugging them as the memory of what she did to me, the pain that not a single person on this planet knew about, flooded my mind.

                “You fucked up my life…” I seethed out as I clenched my eyes together, “You took my innocence without a care in the fucking world you piece of shit…” I cried out as tears poured down my face, my defeated eyes rising to look at her unbothered ones. “I have nothing to say to you. Get the fuck out…” I said as I stood up, glaring down at her with as much might as I could muster. Alex sat there, with amusement etched upon her facial features as she looked up at me. I felt my demeanor weaving away though as I watched her stand before me, towering over me with probably a few inches, her face even as she stood so close to me now. “How about I call up dad and tell him how much his beloved daughter raped her sister when we were younger? How you-” I didn’t even get to finish my sentence though as I felt a hard sting in my cheek as she smacked me with much force. So much, that I lost my balance and fell to the floor once more.

                “If you ever,” She started as she kneeled down, grabbing a handful of my hair as she pulled my face close to hers, my hands covering hers as I tried to release her death tight grip on my hair, “Even think of doing such a thing… on second thought….” She laughed as she slammed my head against the floor, letting me go. I groaned in pain as I closed my eyes, “Who would believe you?” She laughed once more. I glared up at her as I tried to sit up. However, I felt a swift kick to my stomach, my lungs getting the wind knocked out of them. “Not a fucking soul, you got that?” My eyes felt as if they were going to fall out of their sockets as another kick to my stomach appeared.  ‘Oh god…’ I thought as I clenched my eyes shut, the tears pouring down my cheeks as I laid there in a fetal position, my arms wrapped around my stomach as if some sort of protection. I groaned in pain as I felt my hair being pulled, causing my eyes to open to see her face in front of me; an evil glint in her eyes as she smiled at me. “I’m glad we had this little… chat.” She said with a smile before glaring at me, slamming my head into the hardwood floor once more. My brain became fuzzy as my vision blurred; my body limp and lifeless as I looked at her from my defeated position. I watched, barely able to figure out which one of her was the real one as my vision was blurry, as she walked to the door. She turned around as I felt myself about to pass out. “One more thing; leave Kyla alone.” She seethed out as she glared at my beaten body on the floor. I closed my eyes as the realms of sleep called to me. “If you ever touch her again, I’ll… well… you know.” My consciousness fell after that, the thing I could remember was her evil laugh before everything left me.


                “Come on Kyla! Just leave her there…” The voice sounded far away as my consciousness was fading in and out. I groaned as the throbbing pain in my head made its presence known as well. I felt a cold cloth lay across my head, a warm hand moving across my temple as stingy goo was placed on it. I couldn’t bring myself to even gather the strength to even open my eyes or say a word.

                “She’s hurt, Joey. You can’t really expect me to let her lay here do you?” I heard Kyla’s soft voice drift to my ears, close enough to tell me it was her that had placed the cloth on my head.

                “Well… no… but I mean the school has a nurse!” I heard her say as tapped her foot on the ground, “Besides, she’s a bitch, Kyla. I don’t understand why you want to help her out. She probably was trying to get in someone’s pants and they beat the shit out of her.” She sounded amused as she spoke. I could feel anger run a course through my veins now, but I remained as if I was still asleep.

Beauty In A Breakdown [GXG] [EDITING 2023]Where stories live. Discover now