Chapter Eight

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Kyla’s POV:

                I sat at my desk as I finished up my English assignment. The dimmed light was my only source of comfort as I looked over my shoulder. Penelope was fast asleep, snoring louder than a troll. I sighed as I tapped my pen upon my notepad, glancing at the clock every few moments. I hoped that the time would be speed up or something of that matter. 9:30 p.m. it read; only thirty minutes away from being able to sleep. But for some reason, despite my better judgment, I was actually looking forward to see Piper. That thought made me shake my head as I rolled my eyes. Looking forward? To see her? ‘Now I know I have truly lost who I once was…’ I laughed lightly to myself.

                When the time came, I closed my notepad and pulled the chain on the lamp. The room became dark, causing me to nearly trip as I made my way to the door. I winced as I could hear Penelope stir in her bed. I looked over my shoulder to see that she was awake; the moonlight casting an eerie glow onto her. “What’s going on?” She spoke in a daze as she laid back down. I bit my bottom lip as I gripped the door handle.

                “I uh… forgot something in Joey’s room.” I lied as I pulled the door open slowly, “I’ll be back in a second.” I whispered as I slipped out of the room. I sighed in relief as I closed the door, joyful that she was snoring once more. With a pillow, blanket, and of course her room key, I moved down the barely lit hallways. ‘Too bad I don’t have a marauders’ map like harry did…’ I laughed at that thought. But the laughter stopped when a light made its presence known. I panicked, ducking by a nearby plant, as I watched one of the teachers yawn, checking the doors to make sure that everyone was tucked away in their rooms. I rolled my eyes at that; our parents pay for us to be watched as if we’re five years old or something.

                It took only a few moments before I found myself before an all too familiar door. I felt my heart race for a reason I didn’t know as I slipped the key into the tumblers. The door unlocked with ease and I slipped in the room quietly. I closed the door as silently as possible. As I turned around though my face burned a bright red as I looked down upon a nearly naked woman. She was sitting on the couch, her legs spread apart with Piper’s face between them. I watched in amazement as they…. Well yeah.. I cleared my throat once, causing the woman to jump out of her skin. I quirked an eyebrow as Piper lifted her head up towards me, a smirk on her face.

                “Really?” was all I could muster, my voice cracking. The woman stood, sliding on her clothes quickly.

                “You don’t have to go.” Piper said as she stood as well. My cheeks flamed up even more as I noted she was only wearing a thong and bra. The unfamiliar woman glanced back at Piper with worry filled eyes.

                “Who is she?” She asked with a higher voice than I imagined she’d have. I just stood there awkwardly, shifting from foot to foot. Piper locked her eyes on me… and something in her eyes just… confused me. I furrowed my brows as I watched her wrap her arms around the woman’s waist.

                “Don’t worry about her.” She smiled as she leaned in to kiss her. I frowned as I watched, noticing that the woman smiled as she looked back at me. “Go wait in my room; I’ll be there in a few to finish.” Piper added.

                “I should get going actually.” The woman spoke softly as she gave Piper a quick kiss before slipping into her shoes. “I have a class to teach tomorrow after all.” She sighed. My brows raised as my jaw dropped in disbelief. I shook my head as I smiled, clicking my tongue on the roof of my mouth as I walked to my old room. I tossed my pillow on the mattress before unfolding my blanket. I clenched my jaw as I heard the door shut. I looked over my shoulder to see Piper, still in the same amount of clothing as she was before. I swallowed roughly as I found myself staring at her amazing… no. I shook my head as l looked back to my bed, straightening my blanket.

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