Gar- (chuckles) Sick!

He puts his hand up for a high-five and gets his hand burned from Kory.

Wally- "Thats gotta sting!" (chuckling)

Artemis elbows him.

Dick- You're turn.

Gar- Okay, I just, uh... Give me a second.

Gar moves to where Kory is and starts to hype himself up.

Gar- Okay.

Dick- Anytime today would be good.

Artemis- "Someones impatient."

Gar- it's, uh... I can't ... it's a little weird with you guys watch and all. The first time I transformed, I tore through my clothes and, uh ...

Rachel and Kory start laughing.

Gar- Oh, and, like this is my favorite jacket.

Dick- Hold on..*chuckles* you need to be naked to...

Robin- "that just sound ridiculous!"

Wally- "hahahah... I know right."

Gar- Yea, but it'll be worth it. I promise.

Kory- Heard that before.

Everyone starts laughing hard.

Gar- just, uh, turn around.

Everyone proceeds to turn around, and gar runs to the back behind some hay. You can here zippers and clothes coming off.

Kory- If this wasn't a drill, we'd all be dead by now.


(Loud roar)
Dick jumps and turns around to find a giant green tiger.

Dick- Oh, shit (starts to back up)

Wally- "OMG! Look how scared you are!"(Laughing)

Robin-"I am not!"

Connor-"Seems like it to me."


Robin-"You know what..!" *starts mumbling to himself*

Batman look at robin getting frustrated and smirks.

Gar walks around the room growling, then climbs on top of the hay.

Kory- *chuckles* well what do you know it was worth it.

Dick- (shocked) That's him?

Ollie-"You're blown away!"

Robin-"I mean, this kid just turned into a tiger! Who wouldn't!"

Rachel- I know, right?

Dick- How?

Rachel- He got sick, or something.

Kory- So the flu turned him into a tiger?

Gar groans and starts to climb down from the hay.

Dick- Okay, you can turn back now. Into gar.
*Kory slaps Dick*

Gar starts to change back in the middle of the floor, you can hear a few bones snapping. Once he's done, he stands up.... completely naked.




Wally- "I can't..." (rolling on the floor dying)

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