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"I used to believe love conquers all, 'cause that's what I've seen in the movies" Miley Cyrus

Zayn's POV

This is unbelievable. Two months, I repeat two months of hiding my relationship with Harry and I'm getting sick of it. He sure is sweet with me and everything but I want more. I want to be able to go to the movies with him and hold his hand. I want to go to the beach and kiss him in front of everybody. But no I can't because little Harry is afraid. Bullshit.

I'm so sick of it. I don't know how much longer I can wait for him to be ready. He should forget about what people say. I'll always be with me so what the hell ? He doesn't need to worry about anybody except us.

I left the house early to visit Lou. I think it's time I get our friendship back. I need him now more than ever. He's been with me through everything and I'm willing to get him back, as a friend of course.

I park in front of his house and take a deep breath. I get out of my car biting my lip nervously. I knock on his door and wait patiently for him to open the door. I know he's here because there are two cars parked in the garage.

Maybe he found a new friend and now he doesn't need me. I wonder if he wants us to be friends again. I knock again and this time a person that is not Louis opens the door.

I furrow my eyebrows, I'm pretty sure I didn't get the wrong house. Louis couldn't have moved to another place.

"Uhm can I help you boy ?" this man I've never seen before ask me. He acts so mature I bet he's only 3 years older than me. There's no need to be like or call me boy what the hell? I shake my head.

"Umm yeah does Louis live here ?" I ask scratching the back of my neck awkwardly.

"Yeah give me a second" he smiles and turns his head a little " baby someone is here to visit you" I tilt my head, baby ? Is this man dating Louis ?

" Oh sorry I didn't introduce myself I'm Liam " he smiles sticking his hand out. I shake it firmly and nod " Nice to meet you Liam, I'm Zayn"

I see Louis walking down the stairs and I grin. Liam steps aside so I can walk inside and when Lou reaches the bottom of the stairs I run towards him attacking him in a hug.

" Louis I'm so sorry I miss you so much please be my friend again. I miss my best friend I never meant to hurt you please" I ramble and stop talking when Louis starts laughing.

" I miss you too idiot. I just thought after the way I acted you didn't want me back in your life. I was supposed to be there for you through thick and thin and I didn't fulfill my promise" Louis explains looking down.

"Of course I wanted us to be friends again you mean the world to me and you have been there when no one else was" I grin hugging again.

" I love you " Louis grins and I know that this time he means it in a friendly way.

" I love you too dumbass" I smile. " so who's your friend Louis ? " I smirk I say it loudly to embarrass him.

He punches my arm and I stick out my tongue at him. " He's my handsome boyfriend" Louis states proudly.

My eyes widened " do you call him daddy ? " I burst out laughing when Louis turns red like a tomato and Liam looks uncomfortable.

" I'm just kidding guys no need to get embarrassed unless you have a secret daddy kink" I wiggle my eyebrows at the couple.

I get a punch on my other arm and I glare at Louis. " What the fuck was that for ?" I huff rubbing my arm.

" For saying stupid stuff. God it feels like you're 16 all over again." Louis says shaking his head.

That's how I spent the rest of my morning and afternoon. I kept teasing Louis and Liam and there's faces were priceless. But I'm so glad Louis found someone. They look so happy together , they've been dating for almost three months and I'm so glad they're thinking of getting married.

I already called best man, I was going to get it anyway because I'm Louis best friend. Turns out Louis met Liam thanks to Niall because they're neighbors. So I guess Louis has a lot to thank Niall for knowing Liam.

I tell Louis about my relationship with Harry and he told me he was proud that I finally got what I always wanted. That was until I told him that we were a secret. He was so mad, he said he was going to show Harry a lesson because he shouldn't be ashamed to be with me.

I told him Harry wasn't ashamed he was just scared to come out as gay. But I'm okay now Louis told that he will soon realize he doesn't care and just come out . I hope his words come true. He also told me that when we come out as an official couple we are going on double dates and that I couldn't say no to.

I my way back home I stopped at Chipotle and bought Harry and me some tacos and a burrito. It's so weird that Harry hasn't called me. When I left the house he was still sleeping. Maybe he's occupied or maybe he doesn't care. I hope he's occupied.

I park in the garage and get out of the car. I grab the bags of food and walk inside the house.

"Where the hell have you been all day ?" Harry yells from the couch.

" I was visiting Louis and fixing things with him" I say walking towards him.

" I've been calling you and texting you non stop. I thought something had happened to you" he sighs.

I smile widely " Aww you care about me"

" Of course I do babe you mean everything to me" he says smiling .

I blush and sit on his lap wrapping my arms around his neck. I peck his lips and smile.

" I brought us some food, I guessed you would be starving by now" I mumble.

" I am hungry but for another thing" he smirks kissing my neck.

" You cheeky little bastard" I huff.

" You love me anyways" he chuckles and cups my face kissing me.

I kiss him back but I pull away fast and he whines.

" Let's eat first and then we can do whatever you want" I smirk biting my lower lip.

"Tease " Harry pouts and I giggle.

I get off his lap and sit on the floor ,Harry following my actions. I take out the food from the bags and we start stuffing our faces.

We finish our food and Harry smirks at me.

"What are you thinking about Harold?" I ask feeling nervous all of a sudden.

" Hmm I don't know, but I think it's time for dessert " he says standing up massaging my shoulders.

I close my eyes and hum in response.

"You're so tense babe. Want me to help get that tension away?" he whispers in my ear running his tongue over my earlobe. I moan I'm response.

" You're a fucking tease Harry Styles" I huff leaning against him.

" But you love it anyways babe" he responds kissing my neck.

Author's Note

I think I'm the tease here leaving you with that scene at the end. buahahah

Do you guys want smut or nah ? This is why I need you to comment and tell me what you think about this chapter too.

Well we got 2 more chapters left and an epilogue.

I'm going to cry so much at the end oh god thank you all so much for putting up with my story I love you guys so much and I mean it 😭😭

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🍉I love you guys 🍉

Right Now (Zarry AU)(Boyxboy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن