chapter 5

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"Again mina we don't know this for sure." Kiri groaned but mina continued to laugh at deku's shocked face. there was nothing going through his mind. Nothing. It had overloaded. He didn't go red he didn't even smile weakly he was just frozen. Mina thought todo like him. Him the green freak nerd. With hair that make trumble weeds jealous. No kiri had to be right. There was no way todo was in love with him. Finaly coming to this conclusion deku remergered from his world of thought to discover kiri shacking him.

"I thought we broke you!" mina giggled as kiri let go.

"But don't you dare tell your brother. It's too cute watching how oblivious he is."

"Unless his not oblivious because there nothing there." Kiri signed looking defeated.

"I don't think he is. I mean todo is deku best friend. Why would he love him?" mina smile got wider and gave deku a wink. Deku could feel that all knowing wink follow into his blood and swirl and touch his heart. It was the wink that convayed so much. Friend becoming in love with each other. Bakugo with kiri. It could happen as much as it had happened even though bakugo could emit his feelings. They had grown form friendship. So was it so far fetch that todo could as well? Nope that couldn't be true. Bakugo was not todo. Honestly the person deku would most likely count as not being gay was bakugo, so if he was then everyone in his bloody class could be. Including todo. So todo was gay. Maybe. But what did that matter. They were best friends. Todo couldn't actually like him that way. They were close like brothers right? Why would he like him? He continued to list everything that was wrong with him.

"Alice come on your smart you have to see right?"

"Nope I don't think todo likes deku like that. There just best friends."

"Thank you alice. Todo is a walking cactus his more oblivious than deku. Minato actually got him to believe that mango's had little lives where in there fruit buildings and fruit dogs. So he rounded up all of the mangos and looked after them like they were children until they rotted. He also rounded up all of the skinned mango's and had a burial for them. I only know this because I was the poor soul that first noticed the smell. Honestly do you really think that guy would know if he was in love or not?" Mango's deku stopped that's what had happened to all of them. He had thought it was weird that todo had bursted out of the bushes and stole his mango just as he was about to eat it last week. That's why.

"how about deku?" mina suggested and deku did not like where this was going. "alice do you know if deku like todo. After all it takes two to tango."

"NO! I- I mean deku DOESN'T like todo. Why would you say something like that." Deku said his face red with what he would like to say was angry but was really embassement.

"And why is that?" sero asked up. Deku had almost forgot he was even there. "Are you homophobic? Seriously I thought you where a nice person like deku. seems like you came out wrong."

"Sero that's too far." Kiri warned but sero was already on a roll and he wasn't going to stop.

"Honestly you come out of no where. Some one deku never talked about and now your in our class. In our dorms. You know nothing about us. i can't help feel like you might be a villain spy, who made bakugo fall under your love quirk. You should just leave no one wanted you to come!" Sero yelled at him. His hands clasped into fists as deku quickly stood up and before he could even think he was out of bakugo room.

Kiri knew why sero. Had gone off. He understood it. The furry in his voice of not as angry but of pain. It was clear to day to anyone who knew as much about sero as kiri did that his crush on denki was tearing him apart. He had limited paients for anyone new and who rejectected his ideals. He had no idea where alice stood on his beliefs. But he really didn't think alice was homophobic? Not completely and he wasn't about to sentence alice on that poor ausation. Plus just because a person was a homophobic that didn't completely mean they were a person with out feelings and had a right to be treated like rubblish. If kiri treated them like that then was he really better than them? He didn't think so. Sero had gone too far. He was about to tell him so but bakugo stood up first.

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