Ash is Released from the hospital

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Nintendo owns Pokemon not me.  

As the doctor left to go home Bonnie  asked  a  question to Ash.

Ash what other regions have you been to.

Ash replies I been around Kanto  twice, the Orange Islands, Johto, Hoenn ,Sinnoh, Unova Kalos as you know Bonnie and  right now in Alola.

Bonnie is shocked while  Clemont not really shocked sensed that kind of the  reason why  Ash is "wise"

WOW  you have so many  cute Pokemon when can I meet  them

Actually  Bonnie  if you guys want you can come back with me to Kanto  as i have a  week off  soon

Really  CAN  WE CLEMONT?! as Bonnie  squeaks in  delight. 

I guess We can but only  2 to 3 days Bonnie. 


( ash brought  his  ticket right after his conversation to his mom)

(also  I have no idea if any of the Kanto Major Cities so i putting the airport  outside of Viridian city on the closer side of pallet town)

as they will  fly into Viridian  city.

As  the night falls and Ash, Bonnie and Clemont, Falls  asleep they wake up in early and just as woken up to Doctor Vilma saying well  hello there.

The hello there  scared Ash, Bonnie and Clemont.  

it ok it just me Doctor Vilma

We going just  scan  Ash as long  as he clean of internal bleeding and  concussion he be released.  but I need him to follow me to the scanning room.

(time skip  a hour and half as the alolan crew decide to stop by and waited in  Ash Room at the hosptial)

As Ash and Doctor Vilma walked in

is Ash going be OK as  everyone Screamed at same time

Doctor Vilma  smiles  he going be fine he cleared protocol and he  going be release after i filled out some forms  which shouldn't take time.

YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH BOYYYY everyone scream  even Lillie who usually  shy.

10 minutes later  Ash was officially allowed to leave.

just as they were leaving a  loud Noise was heard.


Sorry guys Ash  weakly replies

Everyone started  Laughing as they missed Ash.


Somewhere on a  island off Johto a reddish blur was seen  and a  glimpsed show a  worried look.

As the Journey Continues.

The Special surprise was  in the last sentence.

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