Chapter 8 Fight, & Break down

Start from the beginning

I literally jumped the flight of stairs because he wasn't alone he had backup all of whom were useless excuse for players. The only reason I let him approach my best friend was because he seemed sincere and Lillian was head over heels for him. But of course not everyone can change their player ways. I reached the place which was the back of the college but it made me smile that Serena wasn't taking his shit and actually slapped him and mind you very hard. Ooh that was gonna hurt him, but I was more worried about Serena since she was no violence type girl meaning no training so that was gonna hurt her as well.

"You little bitch! You'll regret doing that and I mean it." He laughed maniacally.

She was scared of course anyone would be in her position but I had enough the moment one of them lunged for her I grabbed her arm pulled her back. She was surprised so almost lost her balance, "Serena, get the hell out here and call the police as soon as you can." I whispered hurriedly.

"Look, guys what the cat dragged in. Don't tell me that she's related to you as well." Rio said, yes, the bastard's name is Rio.

"Even if she wasn't related to me I would still help innocent girls escape the nightmares you and your group would give!" I spat on his face. Serena took that moment and ran away.

Though, Lil could never help me but she always somehow had my back it made me a bit disappointed none the less she was safe that's all that mattered. I looked at Rio as he laughed evilly, "Looks like your all alone. I'm gonna have so much fun torturing you."

Well he didn't know that I had learned many forms of martial arts due to the threat lingered around me being a James daughter and the threat became far too real when I became an Anderson as well. I let guard down on purpose so I could fool him and it worked perfectly and I used it against him. I threw him hard on the ground, face on the ground, by crack sound I think I might've broke his nose but he had it coming I pulled both his hands back and applied too much pressure making him grunt in pain, "What the hell are you guys looking at get her off me!" he shouted to his friends.

I stayed in the same position till the last moment when they lunged for me I got off him and instead they fell on top of Rio making him shout in pain. What I wasn't expecting for him to have two more for back up and they had weapons in their hands meaning metal rods and they used it to try to hit me. Key word 'try', the moment they got close I dodged them. I made a run for it as this was getting out of hand. My bad luck I was cut off, my eyes fell on the metal rod that was on the side. I picked it up. At least I stood a chance now if nothing else. But again I was surrounded no matter how I looked at it I was out numbered, it was 7 against 1. One with the rod lunged for me first but I hit him first and full force on his head making him scream in agony he dropped the rod and fell on the ground bleeding, clutching his head. But the others were the least fazed and this time three went for me and somehow one got behind and I was almost tackled that is until someone familiar punched the one behind me right in the face. I turned around only to have my arm yanked and pulled behind a body, "Man, you really get into the worst of situations." Ryan said defending me.

"Am I glad to see you or what?!" I exclaimed.

"The feelings mutual, glad to see your alive and have that attitude of yours." He chuckled another one headed for him but he easily faced him.

Yeah, so if you're wondering Ryan, was a student at the martial arts as well and that's how I first met him when he said and I quote, 'Do you really think you can take me on?' he quickly found out that I wasn't a piece of cake. But anyways back to the point, I saw that bastard heading for Ryan and with something in hand. A syringe? What the hell? Before he could attack Ryan with it I came in front of him and it hit my arm. And the worst part that idiot injected it. Whatever was in it made me scream in pain. That was enough for Ryan to react he turned his body towards me and caught before I could fall to the ground. After that everything was blurry, I heard a gunshot but I was too weak to respond. I heard multiple people calling my name at the same but I started to shut the voices out. I kept my eyes open, afraid if I closed them I wouldn't be able to open them. I then felt someone lifting me in their arms it felt warm almost lulling me to a wonderful sleep, but the person was pleading me, at least that's what it sounded to me. After that I completely blacked out.

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