Api pulled an Air in class today. He fell asleep halfway through history class. The teacher noticed him and called him to stand out in the hallway.

Air was in a different class, so she wouldn't see him like this. That's one good side of being in a different class with your sibling. Even if you screw everything up in your class, they wouldn't know unless they really want to pick your embarrassing moments up to blackmail you. Seriously. Those siblings are evil.

The corridor was boring, but it wasn't as dull as the class itself. Nobody wanted to know why Napoleon failed to conquer Russia. Fun Fact: the climate was so cold they had to drink their horse's blood to survive by sticking a straw straight into their veins. Seventy-five million soldiers set off but only three thousand returned.

Ahh, we're getting off topic. The moment the school bell rang, Api dived into the classroom, packed his stuff and headed straight for the gym again.

This time, however, he was emerging with more than just bruises.

It was a normal workout session, with the area less crowded than usual. There were only two people besides him, another guy lifting weights and a girl on the treadmill. They looked older than him, but Api didn't pay much attention. What he did see was that they weren't people that you should ask for a tight hug.

God, do you see those muscles? They could kill a can by accident!

That motivated Api to work harder. He had to get the club to notice him. Just as he was about to start working out, the guy accosted him. He had brown eyes and hair.

"Hey, you're the guy who comes here almost every day, aren't you?" he said.

Api nodded. "Uh, yeah. Why? You got a problem?"

The guy smiled. "No, actually. I just wanted to know why you're so keen on working out so much."

"Well, I always wanted to join the boxing club!" Api says enthusiastically. He was pumped that someone would listen. "I'm gonna try hard to get in! I heard it's really hard, but I'm not gonna give up trying!"

"Oh." He suppressed a smile. "So that's why, eh?"

Api faltered. "Uh, yeah. Why? What about it?"

"You see, kid," the guy starts, "boxing is no relaxing sport. It's a life-risking activity, and it's stressful. You sure you want a life like this?"

"That sounds fun, to be honest!"


"It's always how I imagined! Sure, it'll be stressful and downright painful, but it's my dream!" Api's eyes shone. "If it's that way, I won't mind!"

"If that's the case, meet me here at the same time tomorrow." Before Api can retort, he returned to his workout session.

Api blinked. What had he gotten himself into?

Confusion settled in like a blanket. Slinging his bag on his shoulders, he returned to his dorm earlier than usual. In fact, he hadn't even worked out at all, which surprised Air.

"What happened to 'I'm-not-gonna-give-up'?" she asked.

Api flopped onto his bed. "Leave me alone, sis..."

Air left him alone. She returned to her studies.

When the day rolled around, Api was still confused. Why would the guy even ask him to see him here? To beat him up? Was that guy part of some gang and he used their equipment by accident? If that's the case, Api's not going to let them get their way so easy. He won't go down without a fight.

The glass door slid open. Again, it was deserted. Api stepped inside and turned the lights on, but no one was there.

"You're right on time," the same guy said behind him. Api jumped in surprise.

"What the hell? Is creeping up on people on your agenda or something?!"

He chuckled. "No. Anyway, I've got an offer for you."

Api frowned. "And what's that? If you're some gang leader and you want to recruit me to be your lackey, you can shove that offer up your—"

The guy held his hands up. "Wait, wait. What are you talking about? I was gonna ask you if you want to join my club."

"Yeah? And what's that?"

"The boxing club, of course!" He held his hand out. "My name's Tanah. I saw your potential and your efforts, and I need someone like you on the team."

Api.exe has officially crashed.

Then he screamed, "WHAT?"

Tanah nodded. "Do you accept the offer?"

"Well, duh!" Api spluttered and took his hand. "Are you serious? I can join just like that? Who are you?"

Tanah smiled and shook Api's hand. He handed him a piece of rolled up paper from his pocket. "Fill this in and hand it to me by this week. I'm in the twelfth grade, and my class is A." He patted his shoulder. "Good luck, kid."

"I'm not a kid!" Api groaned, unfolding the paper. "My name's Api!"

Tanah chucked lightly. As the younger male began to scan through the requirements, he left the gym as if he was never there.

Api wondered whether if he was going to tell his twin sister about this. She never approved of him participating in such vigorous sports. Joining the lcub itself could send her into a frenzy. Well, not much of a frenzy considering the lazy butt she is, but she could be scary if she wanted to.

Ah... the conflict.

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