Chapter 3

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Rose was so bored the next day she was bored of being bored. She read all her books too many times, so she couldn't bring herself to read one again. She drew pictures but they didn't turn out the right way. She wanted to color but had nothing to color. She thought maybe if I go outside and explore time will go by faster. It's 7:00am so she had six hours. Six very very very long hours to wait. What was she supposed to do? As she opened the door to go out she saw signs posted. What happened? Rose felt scared and shocked all at once. She had to see what happened. She ran very quickly to the paper and at the top in bold it read, "The Top Three Winners Of The Sign Up For TQA Are : Allie Walker, Thomas Lipke, and Rose North.Thank You all and Congratulations." Rose was so happy, she started dancing and jumping around. And even did a backflip and landed. Rose thought she would smack the ground, but landed! Yay! Then she saw her mother, running straight towards her. She grabbed Rose's arm and pulled her to the house she was staying with the other eighteen year old girl. "Wha-" said Rose. "SHHH!" her mother said in a harsh whisper. They were at the house as her mother knocked, first twice, then once, then twice, then five times. The door opened a crack. "Who is it?" a voice asked. "Lizzie North." said Rose's mother. The door opened when Rose saw Nitya she froze, her mouth fell open, and she thought she might faint. "Are you alright?" her mother asked. "She...her...what...How??"said Rose. They both looked at her like she was speaking German. "Do you know who this is?" asked her mother. "No" said Rose. "This is Nitya Griffin, the Founder of Kingdom four's Army." said her mother. "F-f-ffff- Founder?" said Rose. "Yes" said her mother. "Come in"said Nitya."I need to go, take care my darling, bye." said her mother. And Rose went to look back but the door closed and she was gone.She stared at the door. Nitya looked at Rose and said "You coming" There was no answer. "Rose" said Nitya. Rose turned around. "What?" said Rose as a tear slipped down her cheek. "Your room is the second floor first room on the right" said Nitya. "Thank you" said Rose. At 5:23pm Nitya said, "Supper is ready, would you like some?" "Yes" said Rose. "Come downstairs." said Nitya. Before they left the room Nitya hugged Rose. "She will be fine." Rose smiled. "Please be yourself and change your clothes, you do know the real reason your hear don't you?" said Nitya. "Well your mother was going on the tr-" said Rose before she was interrupted. "Nope"said Nitya. " Have you ever noticed we look alike? Black hair, Green eyes, White skin." "No I never have."said Rose. "Your mother is going back to kingdom three where she lives. Our mother-" "WHAT DO YOU MEAN OUR MOTHER?!!??! said Rose. Were twins. And with that Rose fainted. So much to take in. Nitya, twins, why was Lizze (my not mother) here in kingdom four, when she is from three, why didn't I know this and Nitya does? Then everything went black.

Nitya caught Rose. Her poor sister stressed and tired, I must have said too much. She laid Rose on her bed. Now she felt sad no one had told her sister anything, but she will tell her it all tomorrow. Nitya came downstairs when the Queen of kingdom four (Beatrice) came in. "Sis" said Beatrice. "My Queen" said Nitya and she bowed. "Oh don't do that Nitya, were sisters. (Beatrice is two years older that Nitya and Rose.) "Where's my other sister?" "She got sick and is now resting and said she is very very sorry." said Nitya. "It's ok you two come to the my castle tomorrow anyways for TQA or my army." said Beatrice."I know I'm the founder of it , so it's more like mine" said Nitya and they laughed remembering how they used to fight over it and the crown. But Nitya wanted to lead and command a army and Beatrice wanted to be queen so it worked out. While Rose will have Leader as her rank and she will also lead and command. Nitya would have never found her other sister if Rose didn't sign up. Beatrice and Nitya talked then a while later Beatrice said goodbyes and left.

Nitya went to bed and would have to wake Rose at 5:00am to leave. The council made up of very high people in the army had meetings that Rose had to be a part of. Nitya was so happy and excited. She couldn't wait. She smiled in her sleep dreaming of tomorrow.

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