Chapter 22: Connect To Another Source

Start from the beginning

"I left him unconscious outside Rich's house." I said.


"I hit him over the head with a rock..." I explained. "I was trying to get away as fast as possible."

"Y/N, why don't you go back to the house and rest. You're still not healed. Jeremy and I will handle Derek." Michael suggested.

"No. I'm not going anywhere without Jeremy."

"We don't have time to argue about this, Y/N!"

"But- Grrrrr! Fine!" I acted upset. "The next time I see you guys, I still want to see Jeremy and Michael. Do you understand me?"

"We'll be careful. I promise." Jeremy gave me hug, before we walked off in separate directions.


"So?" Jeremy and Michael had just walked in the front door. "How'd it go?"

"He should be okay now. Rich and Michael watching over him until he wakes up. By the time we got there he had gotten into the house and was attacking Rich, so we had to act fast." Jeremy explained breathlessly.

He sat down on the couch next to me and I nuzzled myself into his shoulder. He comfortingly began rubbing my back and playing with my hair. My eyes were closed and a smile across my face.

It was such a nice, relaxing moment. Something neither of us had had in a long time. 


Jeremy had no idea what was really going on.

He was completely clueless.

Yes, he and Michael may have disarmed the SQUIP inside Derek's head, but he's been corrected. I injected a corrector into the back of his neck before I left to find them. That way they could "de-SQUIP" him, but he wouldn't actually be SQUIP-free.

Jeremy was oblivious to the fact that who he held in his arms wasn't really Y/N. Not the one he knew, anyways. 

The SQUIP had turned me and was turning me into the version of myself that Derek had described. 

What'd I tell you? You love having me around. Don't you?

Yes. I mean- No. I mean-

What's wrong? Are you having difficulties?

Why- Why can't I think straight? I don't understand. What have you done to me? What are you doing to me?

Nothing you need to worry about. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. 

I will. I will NOT. What the hell are you doing?! Stop that.

Stop what?

Stop forcing these feelings and ideas into my head. I- I don't want it. I like it- I DON'T like it! ERR!

This isn't anything you haven't felt before, Y/N.

That's a lie. I didn't know what was happening last time. You had me in like a trance or something! I was completely unaware of reality and what I was doing. That's what the your corrector did to me! But this... This is different. 

You're a SQUIP inside my head... 


Why aren't you just influencing me the way you did Oliver and Jeremy? Wouldn't that be easier for you?

Yes it would. But I want you to suffer, Y/N. I want you to see what you're doing and feel the pain of it all. All you can do is watch, helplessly, while I take apart everything and everyone you love. It's the worst kind of torture. And it's a kind I specialize in.

Get out of my head!

Not gonna happen. Just accept it, Y/N. Resign yourself to this because this is your life now. At least it is for the remainder of what time you have left in your life.


Yes, Y/N. Once I'm done with you I'm going to drop you and move on to someone else. You'll be dead soon. But don't worry. After the torture I put you through, you'll be begging for me to kill you.

That's never gonna happen.

You say that a lot. And do you see how these things keep happening...? 

Accept it, Y/N. 

You know, this wouldn't be as terrible for you if you stopped fighting me...

I'm not giving in to you. I will fight you until the day I die.

We'll see about that.

To be continued...

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