Chapter Six: And A Royal Couple Who Lived Far Away

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Mal walked with Ben to her dorm room, still smiling from her date. "You really out did yourself this time."

"At least this time I left out the marching band," Ben said, referring to the first time they met.

Mal giggled. "Yeah, that was a bit much, even for a welcome."

Ben chuckled. "Well, can't blame a guy for trying to impress the girl from his dreams."

Mal looked lovingly into Ben's eyes. "Well, I guess I would do anything to impress the guy from my dreams too." Mal had already told Ben that she dreamed about him while she lived on the Isle. To her surprise, Ben said that he also had a dream about her the month before she came to Auradon. Further proof that they were meant to be together.

"I should get ready for that council meeting tomorrow," Ben said as he leaned in. "But I'll see you on Monday, alright?"

"I'll be waiting," Mal said as she also leaned in. They shared a long, passionate kiss before going their separate ways for the night.

Mal walked into her dorm, only to find her best friend hard at work. "Making another dress Evie?"

Evie sighed. "Audrey wants yet another one. Apparently, the royals are having some kind of get together or something."

Mal nodded. "Oh yeah, I think Ben mentioned something about that. They're supposed to have an annual meeting, then have a ball afterwards."

Evie giggled a little. "You would think think with the past two events they you've spent enough time with each other."

Mal giggled too. her best friend did have a point within the past seven months there was both Ben's coronation and cotillion. "Yeah, but my mother and Uma crashed both of them."

" Yeah, but we stopped them, " Evie reminded as she shrugged. "So, how was your date with Ben?"

"It was okay," Mal said nonchalantly.

Evie skeptically raised an eyebrow. "You wouldn't have walked in smiling like that if it went 'okay'. And the Mal I know rarely smiled like that."

Mal sighed. "He went all out. Enchanted Lake, a big picnic, purple flowers everywhere..."

Evie gasped slightly . "Do you think he's going to propose soon?"

Mal crossed her arms. "E, we're only in high school. And besides, we also have our duties as king and Lady of the Court. I wouldn't be suprised if it's years before we get engaged."

Her best friend smirked a little. "I don't know M... you two are really in love with each other..."

Mal just rolled her eyes. "Whatever, I'm going to bed."

The next morning, Mal's phone rang just as she was doing homework.

"Hello?" Mal said as soon as she picked up phone.

"Lady Mal?" a voice said over the phone.

Mal instantly recognized that voice. "Hi Lumiere. What's going on?" He wouldn't be calling unless it's important.

"Master Ben never showed up to his council meeting, and that was an hour ago. We tried calling him, but there has been no answer."

Mal bit her lip. It wasn't like Ben to miss a council meeting. "I'll see if he's in his dorm. Maybe he's just sick." Although, as soon as she said it, she doubted it. Even if he was sick, he still would've tried to come, or at least would've told someone. "I'll call back once I find out."

" Alright, thank you Mal." Once they exchanged their good byes, Mal hung up and walked to her boyfriend's dorm, hoping that it was nothing serious.

Once she arrived at her destination, she knocked on the door. "Ben? It's me, Mal." When there was no answer, Mal knocked again. "Ben? Please open up." Only silence answered . "Alright, I'm coming in." She turned the knob, but it was locked. Now, she knew something was wrong. "Ben?!" She jiggled the knob again. "Ben?!" She used her magic to open the door, not caring if this made giving up her spell book seen hypocritical. All that mattered was Ben. Once the door was open, she ran into the room, only to find an empty bed and the window open.

See, I told you I would introduce the Descendants characters eventually. Don't worry, it will all the together eventually, but time will pass differently in Auradon than the "real world" . Since this is structured similarly to The Isle of the Lost, Ben and Mal's chapters will be used less than the four protagonists.

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