Chapter Two: There Was A Boy Who Was Broken...

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Nick was a master at deception. He practically had to be if he had to survive. Well, maybe survive wasn't the right word. His dad had a low income job, which meant that they weren't always able to afford food on the table. His mom used to contribute to the bill, but she died when Nick was eight. Because of this, Nick learned his number one trade: pick pocketing. Food, spare change, even things to sell off of eBay. He'll take it.

Like he did today. He was just walking down the hall, his new loot kept safely in his pocket when Amy came up to him.

"Hey Nick," she said as she bounced down the hallway.

Nick turned towards Amy. "You're in a good mood today."

Amy smiled. "Remember? They're going to announce who's going to be in the biannual musical today."

Like a bolt of lightning, Nick realized what she was talking about. They usually had a Christmas themed play, but due to the music teacher being on maternity leave, the play was turned into a musical and moved up to January. At the beginning of the month, audtions were held, and now they were finally going to announce who got in and which part they got. "Oh yeah, now I know what you're talking about." Then, he smirked. "Hey, you want to see what I got to celebrate today?"

Amy sighed. "Don't tell me you stole again. I thought your father got a new job."

She had a point. A few months back his father got a job as a police officer, which paid a lot more than his other job, but Nick shrugged none the less. "Old habits die hard, I guess. Anyways, wanna see what I got?" He pulled a silver pocket watch out.

Amy's eyes widened. "Where did you get that?"

"From some dude in main office," Nick said as he peered at the watch more closely. "Hey, I think this might be real silver."

Amy raised an eyebrow. "What dude?"

Nick shrugged. "Just some parent I think. He was talking to the front desk while his kids were waiting. I think he's enrolling them here." He looked at the pocket watch again. "How much do you think I can sell this for on eBay?"

"Don't even think about it," Amy deadpanned before going back to the original conversation. "So, what grade do you think they're going into?"

Nick put the watch back into his pocket while he smirked. "Soon you will learn, my padawan." Then he shrugged. "They looked about our age, actually."

Amy tilted her head. "Do they even allow you to enroll in your senior year? Especially in October?" Then, she glared. "And don't call me padawan!"

Nick couldn't help but chuckle. Amy was never interested in learning his pick pocket ways, and she always said that she wasn't his padawan. Still, he shrugged again. "Maybe they transferred from another another school. I have to get to class now, but I'll see you later, okay?"

Amy sighed. "Okay."

Nick turned around and walked away, figuring the chain of the pocket watch. His mind wandered back to his mother again. What would she say if she was here? His mother's death had changed him, he just couldn't decide if whether it was for good or for bad.

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