Chapter Three: A Girl Who Was Lost...

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Amy couldn't help but roll her eyes as she walked in the other direction. Her and Nick had been friends since freshman year, but he seriously had to quit his pick pocket habit. It was really starting to get on her nerves.

As she walked down the hall to her first class, she noticed a family coming out of the office, one that looked like the family Nick described. The person up front seemed like he was the father, as he looked the oldest and was wearing a blue business suit. Like Nick said, the kids looked about her age. The one to her left was a girl with turquoise and white hair, with what looked like black in it. The boy on the right just had blue hair and looked... uncomfortable?

Amy could understand where he was coming from. She had transferred from one school to another in seventh grade herself. So, she waved to the boy. The boy shyly waved back, but before Amy could say anything else, the girl pushed his arm down and briskly walked away, glaring at Amy. Well, that was rude, Amy thought as she began walking to her forensics class. However, she couldn't help but think about those kids. They looked familiar, especially the girl, but she couldn't figure out where she had seen them before.

When she walked into the classroom, she sat down next to her friend Colin.

"Hey Amy," Colin said.

"Hey Colin," Amy replied.

"Are you excited about getting the results today? " Colin asked.

Amy nodded excitedly. "I was born ready."

Colin rolled his eyes a little. "Of course you were. You practically know The Little Mermaid by heart." Which was true, Amy loved movies, especially Disney. She had even joined the film club at school, and because of that she had a fondness for behind the scenes features.

Then she remembered what happened on the way to class. "Hey, we might be getting some new students, a boy and a girl."

Colin raised an eyebrow. "At this time of year?"

Amy shrugged. "Apparently so. They seem a little off though."

Colin seemed to grow more befuddled. "What do you mean?"

Amy just shrugged. "They seem to keep to themselves a lot, well, mostly the girl. "

Colin gave a teasing smile. "Are you sure you didn't bore them to death with movie and Disney trivia?" Amy rolled her eyes. Just because she was really onto movies and Disney franchise didn't make her a nerd. Everyone made jokes about that, even her friends, though she knew they weren't trying to be mean. She sometimes wondered if she even belonged at this school.

Just then, the teacher's voice snapped her out of her thoughts. "Alright class, it's time to announce who's going to be in the winter musical..."

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