Chapter Five: A Selfish Jock

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Phil hurried to his locker, hit larger feet stomping against the floor. It was imperative that he would meet someone. Someone that had his future resting on their shoulders. As soon as he came up to his locker, that said person came up to him. "Hey Charlotte."

"Hey Phil," Charlotte said as she reached onto her backpack and pulled out a packet. "Noted for economics, and answers for the textbook questions."

"Gee thanks," Phil said as he took the packet. "You're a lifesaver."

Charlotte crossed her arms. "So, when's my date?"

"Uh..." Phil had usually promised girls a date with him if they did his homework, but that didn't necessarily mean he'd follow through. True, he would take them out sometimes so people wouldn't get suspicious, but most of the time he just left them hanging. What really mattered is that he got his homework done, and it was keeping his grades up so that he could continue with sports. "It will be soon." He kind of felt guilty for using Charlotte like this, but it was necessary. The seniors were already getting suspicious, and he was having trouble finding freshman that looked smart enough. At least it was less suspicious than bribing.

Charlotte just rolled her eyes. "I have to go and on my makeup. Let me know when you decide to make that date." Then, she turned around and walked away.

Phil sighed in relief. That would mean that he would have more time to think. Once he got all of the stuff he needed for his economics class, he walked down the hall and entered the room just before the bell ran. He took his seat as the teacher opened his mouth.

"Alright class, before we start learning about supply and demand, I would like to announce the results for the winter musical," the teacher said. Chad rolled his eyes. He still didn't know why his parents made him sign up for that musical. Yeah, he had a little concussion while playing flag football with his cousins over the summer, but he was fine now. Still, his parents had to be overprotective and tell him to wait until basketball season started up. He just hoped he would get the starring role's love interest. ""Amy Smith will be playing Ariel, Nick Flores will be playing Prince Eric, Zachary Langes will be playing Flounder, Charlotte Crassa will be playing Ursula, and Phil Ludas will be playing Sebastian. The rest of the parts will be posted in the hallways, and the first rehearsal will be Wednesday after school."

"WHAT?!" Phil exclaimed. "This is bogus! I'm not playing the crab!"

"That is not my decision to make," the teacher calmly stated.

Phil stood up. "I never wanted to be in this dumb play anyways! Either I get the prince, or I won't be in it at all!"

The teacher narrowed his eyes. "Again, that is not my decision to make. Now sit down Mr. Ludas." Everyone knew that the teacher in this class was one of the strictest, so it was no surprise when Phil replied with a swear word. "That's it young man, detention!"

"But you can't do that!" Phil protested.

The teacher glared. "I can, and I will. Now I suggest you call your parents and tell them you'll be serving your detention this afternoon."

Phil grumbled to himself as he went into the hall to call his parents. This was going to be the worst fall ever.

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