Chapter Four : A Snobbish Queen...

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Charlotte looked in the mirror as she applied her third coat of lipgloss. After all, she had to keep her title as Queen bee of the school, especially if she was going to win the lead role in the winter musical. As if a bunch of nobodies were going to stand in her way. The school bell rang. So what if she was a little late to class? You couldn't rush perfection. It pays to be the most beautiful thing in the crowd.

Once she finally finished her make up, she sashayed out of the bathroom and off to her first period class: English. Of course, she'd much rather be doing other things, such as reading fashion magazines, talking with her friends, or developing her own fashion line. She could probably do it to, considering her father always said she was a business woman, just like her mother: Veronica Crassa, owner of Skyrise Industries: Estate and Rent Company.

She flung open the door and sashayed into the classroom, barely noticing the teacher glaring at her. "Charlotte, you're late... again."

"Sorry, but a girl's gotta look her best," Charlotte said as she threw her backpack over her shoulder and put it on her desk.

The teacher shook her head and write something down on her clipboard. "Next time will be a detention."

Charlotte rolled her eyes and sat down. "Whatever." Who did the teacher think she was anyways?

The teacher turned back towards the class. "Alright everyone, as I was saying before, it's time to find out who got in The Little Mermaid." Charlotte smirked. She knew she was going to get this part, just as she knew she was going to win the costume contest at the annual town Halloween party next week. "Amy Smith will be playing Ariel, Nick Flores will be playing Prince Eric, Zachary Langes will be playing Flounder, Charlotte Crassa will be playing Ursula, and Phil Ludas will be playing Sebastian. The rest of the parts will be posted in the hallways, and the first rehearsal will be Wednesday after school."

Charlotte's mouth dropped open. "WHAT?!" Only one thought ran through her mind. How could she not get the star role.

The teacher turned towards Charlotte. "Anything wrong?"

"You bet there is!" Charlotte exclaimed as she stood up. "I am not playing some slimy, villainy sea monster in the school school play!"

"As the assistant director, I can assure you that Ursula is a very good part as well," the teacher said.

Charlotte ignored her. "And tentacles aren't my thing! Why can't I play someone else? Why does Amy get Ariel anyways?"

The teacher glared daggers at Charlotte. "If you must know, you have also been given the part of Ariel's understudy, but if you continue acting like this, we will have to give that position to someone else. Now, sit down."

Charlotte plopped back in her seat with a sigh. No matter what, she was going to have to play an ugly, slimy sea witch.

I know it's mostly been OCs, but don't worry, the Descendants characters will be coming soon.

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