Home sweet home

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It took around 45 minutes to get home from the hospital. In that time Amelia had cried herself to sleep. She was completely exhausted.
Paul and Daniel didn't exchange much small talk, both men where eager to get their little girl home to properly introduce her to the new life they have planned.
As the big, black metal gates close behind the car, Paul pulls up to their grand family home. Parking in front of the garage.
Both men have worked very hard to get where they are today. Everything they have, Everything they've done has all come down to this. This is the life they truly want. Now they get to start living it.
This is the second house they bought in the community. The first one they bought, ten years ago was too close to the town. When they finally decided to start putting down roots they knew they wanted a somewhat reclusive family home.
It took them a long time to find the perfect home. Daniel spent many late  nights searching. The possibility of building their perfect family home from scratch was on the arisen. Every house the couple went to view Daniel would always find a problem with something or other.
When they found their current house both men just knew it was the one form the very first moment they saw it. It was perfect. They spent another year adapting, putting finishing touches to the inside to make it truly perfect for what they need.
The outside, was beautiful. It has a captivating, rustic feel to it. When those gates slowly open and you stroll up the drive, it truly feels like home.
The garden is very well maintained with flower beds, well kept bushes and trees surrounding the driveway.
The front door had been updated to a modern alarmed door. But still, it was surrounded by white pillars either side to keep its suburban look.
As Paul turned the engine off and unbuckled his seat belt he turned and looked at his beloved partner. He couldn't help but smile. Daniel smiled back adorably and leaned in for a kiss. Paul, not missing the opportunity grabs his husbands face and kisses him like it's the first time he has ever kissed him. He's so good at making Daniel feel special. Like he is the most important man in the world.
They break from their heart warming embrace.
"So, who's waking her up then?" Paul asks quietly. Raising his eyebrows at D.
"Ha, after what just happened at the hospital? Fat chance. I'm not ready for round two just yet." Daniel rolls his eyes at his partner.
"Hah! We will do it together ok?" Paul chuckles quietly and opens his door. Making his way around to the door where Amelia is sleeping.
She looks so peaceful, neither men want to wake her up. Knowing what will be in store for them when they do.
Paul, gently as he can opens her door. Daniel gets out and joins his partner. Assisting him with getting her inside.
"Amelia,baby girl we are home now. You gonna wake up so we can get your sweet little self inside?" Paul coos stroking her cheek gently.
Amelia's face scrunches up at the physical contact. A few seconds pass of Paul gently stroking her and cooing when she wakes up just enough to bat his hand away.
Her eyes open, she glares daggers at the men.
Paul pulls his hand away.
"We're gunna have to get control of that hitting thing she keeps doing first I think." Paul tells his husband.
Daniel hums in agreement.
"Amelia, I'm going to unbuckle you, you will sit still and wait for daddy to pick you up and take you inside. If you hit him there will be consequences. This is your last warning ok? I know this is scary. I know you're not feeling great. Let us help you. We love you. You can trust us. I promise." Paul spoke to Amelia.
Everything Paul  just said was hard to digest for Amelia. Words of trust and promises meant nothing to her. These men have just taken her. You can not just take another human captive because you want to. It's not right. This isn't fair. It is illegal! Amelia can't stay with these men. They will hurt her. Manipulate her. Abuse her. She can not let this happen. Trust is something Amelia has never done. She certainly isn't going to start trusting these lunatics  because they told her to. The men want her to trust them because it will make it easier to hurt and abuse her. It's all a trick. Mind games to them. Amelia is determined she isn't staying here very long. The first opportunity she gets,she will be gone.
Paul steps back after unbuckling Amelia's seat letting D step forward and pick her up. Thankfully Amelia was lost in a small daydream when she was being unbuckled.
However, as soon as Daniel had her in his grasp she began to squirm and wriggle trying to get down.
Even though daniel was not as strong as Paul he still easily had hold of her. He stepped back from the car to let Paul shut the door and tried to calm Amelia down. Another tantrum was bubbling in Amelia.
"Shhhh baby girl calm down. You're ok!" Daniel bounces her slightly up and down, rubbing circles in her lower back.
Amelia doesnt settle for Daniel. Regardless of her apparent disapproval of being held Daniel still holds onto her securely and walks up to the front door with Paul right behind.
Daniel stops at the front door and waits while Paul opens it and steps inside.
Amelia settled slightly to take in her surroundings. She held her arm pushed straight against Daniels chest, trying to get as much distance from him as she can.
Daniel steps inside, allowing  Paul to shut the door and activate the alarm system.
Amelia takes note of Paul setting the alarm. Paul, noticing her watching him bops her on the nose playfully.
"Just so daddy and papa know who's coming and going princess."
Amelia scrunches up her nose at such a childish act. She's an adult for crying out loud.
Amelia tries once again to get out of Daniels grasp. Pushing and squirming all she can.
"Amelia. Calm down. I don't wanna drop you." Daniel tells her trying his best to keep control of her.
He hoists her back up in his arms and walks through the living room with his husband trailing behind.
The living room was a very large room with a huge sofa wrapping round two of the walls. There's a brick fireplace with a safety cage screwed into the wall around it.
The walls  decorated with pictures of Daniel and Paul. Other portraits and pieces of art decorated the living room. Everything was colour coordinated. All beiges and cream colours making the room look very open and welcoming.
"Shall we take her upstairs and get her dressed in some comfy pjs?" Daniel asks as he walks through the house.
"Yes that sounds good. I'm right behind you." Paul replies.
The men go through another room. Very similar to the one before except a big flatscreen was held up on one of the walls. The stairs adjoined the room.
As Daniel got to the stairs Amelia had settled down. A few stray tears escaped from her eyes. She was still terrified. Especially as they spoke about changing her. Without a care in the world for what she wanted.
Amelia noticed how steep the stairs looked from her point of view. They curved round to the corner slightly.
Daniel started to make his way up the stairs when Amelia instantly tensed. Instinctively she dug her nails into Daniels shoulder where she was holding on.
Daniel let out a hiss from the pain and stopped dead in the middle of the stairs. Paul bumped into them slightly.
"Woah, you ok?" Paul asks.
"She's digging her nails into my shoulder." Daniel says through gritted teeth.
"Put me down." Amelia cries.
"Let go of his shoulder babygirl he'll put you down when we get to the top." Paul speaks gently.
"No!" She screams. "Put me down now!" She cries trying her hardest to get down.
Paul sighs, exasperated. He squeezes past his husband who is trying very hard not to drop their babygirl.
"Here, give her to me" Paul grabs her from Daniels grasp and makes his way up the remaining stairs and straight down the hallway to the last room.
The words "Amelia's nursery" coloured the door.
At this point Amelia is having a full meltdown.
Paul walks into the room and places Amelia down on the padded, pink carpet.
Daniel follows Paul into the room, gently shutting the door behind him.
Paul kneels down on the carpet next to Amelia who is still hysterical.
Daniel goes to Amelia's walk in closet to pick out an outfit for her to wear.
A few minutes later he comes out with a fleecy baby pink footed all in one suit. The words "daddies princess" written across the front.
Amelia is still emotional. Being worn out, exhausted. All she wanted was sleep. She laid curled up on the carpet with her head in the corner of her arm. Paul sat quietly next to her with his hand rubbing circles on her back.
Daniel went over to the oversized, dark, oak changing table. He started getting everything they needed ready for Amelia.
"Are you ready babe?" Paul asked from the floor.
"Yes let's do this then get her down for a nap." Daniel replied.
Paul got up from the floor and easily picked Amelia up.
Amelia still struggled to cooperate with Paul.
"Please, you don't have to do this please!" She begged with tear stained cheeks.
"But we do have to do this. Trust me babygirl. Just relax and I promise you it will be ok." Daniel tells her as Paul brings her over.
Paul sits her down on the table where Daniel stands. Gently, with a little fight Paul gets Amelia  to lay down while Daniel fastened straps around her chest.
Amelia lay crying and begging them to stop. Her head is pounding. Her stomach aches. Feeling vulnerable, exposed she closed her eyes and balled her hands into fists wishing this would end.
Paul stands by Amelia's head while Daniel makes work of taking the bottom half of her clothes off.
"You're doing such a good job babygirl. Daddy will be quick I promise." Paul coos to Amelia.
As Daniel finishes taking Amelia's pants and underwear off he grabs a fresh diaper and slips that under her bum. A fresh set of tears erupt from  Amelia.
Thankfully for Daniel she is too exhausted to fight right now. He makes quick work of fastening the diaper in place. He then grabs the all in one suit and starts putting it on her.
"Right unstrap her for me papa, and help me put this on our precious girl" Daniel asks.
Paul aids daniel in finishing getting their little one dressed.
Once dressed they got Amelia up and placed her on the floor. Her cheeks where red and puffy. Tears streamed down her face as she quietly sobbed. She looked stupid and felt unbelievably angry.
Paul went over to the corner of the room where a reasonably sized fabric style armchair nestled in the corner.
"Amelia?" Paul called.
"Can you come over here so I can fix your hair please baby?" Paul asked.
Amelia, ignoring Paul's request folded her arms. She glared at the floor stubbornly.
Paul looked at Daniel and rolled his eyes.
Daniel smirked at her behaviour. He picked Amelia up and brought her to his husband. She sat down in front of him, with her arms still crossed over her chest.
"Thank you" Paul praises Amelia.
Amelia continues to ignore both of them.
Paul spends the next 10 minutes brushing her hair and styling it into a  french braid.
Daniel went downstairs to wait for them.
After Paul was finished he carried his pretty little girl  downstairs to find Daniel, who was in the living room reading.
A breath taking smile spread across Daniels face at seeing his two favourite people. He placed his book on the sofa and stood with outstretched arms wanting to hold his baby.
"Are you hungry princess?" Daniel asks as Paul hands her over.
"I know I need a coffee" Paul says as he walks into the kitchen.
Daniel follows behind.
They had an open plan kitchen with a very big centre island in the middle of all the worktops. Marble flooring and beautiful countertops to match. Barstools surrounded one side of the island. A very large, adult sized high chair was at the end of the island decorated in pretty pink polka dots. It looked very daunting to Amelia.
"I want coffee too" Amelia spoke so very quietly Daniel almost didn't hear her.
"Coffee is for adults baby. How about some flavoured milk?" Daniel suggests.
"I am a fucking adult." Amelia mumbles.
Daniel gives a swat to Amelia's padded behind.
"Watch your language please babygirl."
The swat didn't hurt but shocked Amelia. A frown spread across her face as she heaved a sigh. Feeling emotionally exhausted.
Paul made himself a coffee and turned to his husband and little girl.
"It's still abit early, but considering Amelia's had no breakfast shall we do something now or just give her a bottle and send her for a nap and do food after she's slept abit?" Paul asks Daniel.
"I don't know babe. Are you hungry Amelia? Shall daddy do you some nummy food?" Daniel asks Amelia speaking in a very babyish tone.
Amelia wants to punch him in the throat and tell him where to shove his "nummy food."
Instead she goes for ignoring him. Fear of the unknown keeping her from doing what she really wants.
"I think she's tired and needs a nap" Paul declares turning back around to fix up a bottle of warm sweet milk for Amelia.
"Yes me too papa bear. Common Amelia let's go snuggle while papa makes you a yummy bottle!" Daniel coos to Amelia walking out of the room.
A few minutes pass and Paul walks into the living room to see Daniel and Amelia on the sofa with a big throw covering them while cartoons are playing on the big flatscreen. Amelia has moved away from Daniel so there is distance between them. She can't deal with all the touchy-feely crap. She's playing mindlessly with the hem of the blanket unaware of Paul's presence.
"Here babygirl, got a baba for you" Paul holds out the warm bottle.
Amelia is startled by Paul's voice. She jumps a little and looks up at him confused.
"I'm not drinking that" Amelia speaks quietly. She goes back to messing around with the blanket.
"Oh but I made it especially for you princess. You haven't eaten in so long! You must be feeling hungry huh? Have some yummy warm milk to fill your tummy!" Paul coos still holding out milk in front of Amelia.
"Can I have it in a normal cup? Like a normal person?" Amelia asks getting frustrated.
"No babygirl. Don't want you to spill anything on the sofa." Paul answers gently.
She looks at Paul incredulously.
"I'm not drinking it then so get it out of my fucking face!" Amelia burst out smacking the bottle out of Paul's hand.
Both men are taken back by Amelia's current outburst.
Paul stands where he is looking at Amelia in disbelief. Daniel gets up to go fetch the bottle. He picks it up, places it on the side table and heads up the stairs.
"I'm gunna go get the mittens!" He calls.
Paul waits watching Amelia squirm uncomfortably under his disapproving glare.
Daniel comes back down the stairs with white padded mittens.
"Here babe." Daniel hands them to Paul.
Paul takes them with a sympathetic look at Daniel. He knows what he has to do. He just wished he didn't have to punish their babygirl so soon. They've barely been in the house an hour.
Paul bends down on the floor to be eye level with Amelia.
"Amelia, I told you if you where going to continue hitting there would be consequences. Hitting is a big no no. It makes papa and daddy sad when you hit. If you are going to continue hitting with your fists then papa is going to have to cover them up so you don't hurt yourself or anyone else. Do you understand babygirl?" Paul asks.
Amelia looks at Paul, instantly unshed tears begin to sting her eyes. Feeling as though she has been punched in the stomach guilt washes over her. She didn't mean to hurt the crazy man. But she isn't a baby, she doesn't need to drink from a baby bottle. This isn't right.
Getting no response from Amelia Paul sighs and goes to gently grab one of Amelia's hands so he can place the mittens on her.
Amelia tenses up, not letting him move her arm. She keeps both of her arms close to her body.
"I don't want those on." She starts to cry.
"I don't want to put them on you babygirl. But you've given me no choice. Prove to me you can be a good girl then they can come off again." Paul try's to coax Amelia.
Amelia knows without being able to use her hands to do anything she will definitely not be getting out of here. She can't let him put them gloves on her.
"Give me a hand here daddy please." Paul asks Daniel, who was watching the scene unfold.
Daniel steps forward to help.
"Here let me pick her up" Daniel says. Paul moves out the way.
Daniel grabs Amelia and picks her up. He sits down on the sofa with Amelia on his lap.
Screams from Amelia echo out throughout the room. Daniel and Paul work together to get both mittens onto their babygirl.
Luckily all the outfits Amelia has here have special clips on the sleeves so the mittens can be clipped on and not taken off by her.
After another fight both mittens are securely on Amelia's hands. She can barely wriggle her fingers. They are well padded and snug fitting. She truly feels trapped and defeated.
A few hiccups escape Amelia as she sobs trying to catch her breath. Daniel holds her close leaning back into the sofa getting comfortable.
Before Paul joins his husband he wraps the throw around Daniel and Amelia and grabs Amelia's now cold bottle.
He gives it to Daniel and sits right next to him. Amelia is laying on Daniels chest not having the energy to move. She truly feels deflated and beaten down right now.
After a while of silence, with Paul rubbing Amelia's back Daniel slowly puts the tip of the bottle to Amelia's lips. Instinctively Amelia opens her mouth. Half asleep she starts suckling the cool, sweet milk. It feels so nice on her sore throat. Amelia's relaxed and calm. She easily, comfortably falls asleep in her daddy's embrace.
Daniel can't help the smile plastered on his face at the opportunity to give Amelia her first bottle.
"We done it babe!" Daniel whispers to his husband.
Paul leans in and Plants a kiss to Amelia's forehead.
"Yes we did." Paul replies.
Both men snuggle on the sofa for a while not wanting to move or wake their princess.
To the men, everything is finally how it should be. Everything suddenly feels all right in the world.

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