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 I glance up from my paper and look up. Maddie is waving at me and mouthing hello. Oh wait. I have my headphones in. I take out a bud and say,


 "Ummm hello??? I was talking to you about Liam in all his hotness." 

 "Maddie I don't really care about the popular boys and what they do." 

I go back to drawing a hand. I tried my best but it looks like shit. 

"No but Brielle this is major drama. Liam and Sam are both cheating on each other and everyone knows except them!!" 

I looked at Maddie in fake disbelief. 

"OMG really?? Oh my god the tea is scorching!" She looked at me and tilted her head to the side and punched me. We both started laughing uncontrollably. She then went back to scrolling through Instagram and I went back to finishing my hand. The bell rang and I had to go to homeroom which was awful. School was awful. I was so happy that I was a senior and could leave school relatively soon. I pushed my other bud back in and walked to my homeroom. I couldn't stop playing with my fishnet tights while i was walking down the halls. I hated seeing the same people year after year. I saw the jocks all laughing together, (no they were not wearing letterman jackets) and then you had Liam, Cole, Michael, Tristan, Harry, and Lewis. Michael, Tristan and I have been friends since forever. I walk towards Tristan and I felt someone take my beanie. Cole looks at me with a grin on his face. 

"Hey guys," he shouts to his friends, "Think this would look good on me?" He put on the beanie and strutted around like an idiot. I grabbed it from his head and kneed him in the crotch. "Jesus..." He crouched trying to hold what was left of his dignity. I pulled him up and made him look me in the eye. 

"Don't ever take my shit again." Something dark flashes in his eyes for just a second and then he just says, 

"Yeah sure whatever." All his friends are standing there in shock and feeling his pain. Tristan comes over and high fives me. 

"Damn girl! Who knew you were such a bad bitch?" 

 "Tristan you know you're the only bad bitch here." He pretended to flip his hair and we both laughed. Michael came over and fake pushed me into Tristan. Jeez he was such a force. 

"You know how to make an entrance Mike. As always." He flashed me a dazzling smile and bowed. "Seriously though I was thinking of hanging out tonight. All of us. Maddie, you, Tristan, me, and whoever else." 

 "Yeah that sounds fine I'll just have to check with my dad." The second warning bell rang and we all said our goodbyes. I started to walk to homeroom until my arm was pulled. I pulled out one earbud and sharply said, "Yes?" Cole stood before me in all his asshole glory. His light blue eyes bore into me. "If you're just going to stare at me I'm going to go." 

 "Wait no Brielle I just want to apologize for earlier." 

 "Whatever Cole just don't talk to me." 

 "Sure thing." I looked at him as I put in my earbud and whipped around to class. The rest of the day was pretty boring, as most school days are. I saw Cole in the halls and he ignored me and I ignored him. Thank god everything was back to normal. I don't want to be associated with THAT.  

 "Just give him a chance Brielle he's not that bad." Michael told me. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah YOU think that but he's just... so..." "Aggravating?" 

"YES! I just can't stand him like he's the last person I would want to be around. So no, he can't come tonight." 

 "Come on Brie please? I can invite someone else to occupy him I just feel bad. I can invite Kelsey." Kelsey was Michaels super cool older sister. Her and I were super close before she went to college and I haven't seen her in forever. "Is that what it's going to take?? Jesus fine Cole can come then. You have to promise that Kelsey is coming though. If she isn't I'm going to be pissed."  

"Yeah sure she'll come. Thanks Brie!" 

 "Yeah whatever..." I mumble as he gives me a big hug and leaves for the day. I walk to my car as it starts to rain. "Wonderful..." A great way to end my day. I scurry over to my car and get in. Luckily I wasn't soaking wet but traffic was bound to be bad. I turned on my car as Panic! At the Disco blasts in my ears. I quickly turn it down and go to back up. I then see Michael in the camera and I come to a quick stop. I roll down my window and yell at him "What the hell are you doing?! I could've killed you and it's about to pour outside." I could see ideas flying through his head as he looked at me. "Michael what's wrong?" He looks worried and just stressed. I get out of my car, despite wanting to stay in and NOT GET WET, and give Michael a hug. "Do you want to talk in the car?"

 "No Brie I've just been keeping something from you for a while and just... It's been on my mind a lot and I don't want to ruin our friendship I just.." I look at him with wide eyes. WIthout warning he leans down and kisses me. I pull away quickly and look at him, shocked. 

"Michael.. I... I need to go." I quickly get in to my car and drive away as fast as possible. WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?? My brain was struggling to comprehend what had just happened with my lifelong best friend. I had known him since before I could remember. This can't be happening.. I jolt back to reality as someone honks their horn behind me. I get home as quick as possible and I can tell everyone else in my household has had a crappy day too. My dad was eating salad while my stepmom was making ramen for her and Mason. Mason was my half brother who was actually a decent brother. My parents divorced when I was two and Dad married Stephanie aka my stepmom. I got to see my mom on the weekends but she hasn't been the same. Her apartment is a mess and she's just... not doing good. She has no one to look after her so she goes gambling and does whatever bad activity she wants to. She's even having trouble paying rent which I occasionally help her do. Mom went in a downwards spiral since the divorce but recently she's been worse. "Brie?" I snap back to reality. "Yes?" "We have Chinese leftovers in the fridge that you can have and after you finish I need to talk to you. You're not in trouble I just need to talk to you." 

 "Um ok?" I say skeptically. How ominous Dad. I eat my chicken lo mein and avoid checking my phone. "Hey Dad could I hang out with Mike, Tristan, and Maddie tonight?" 

 "Yeah sure just be home by ten please." Mhm like that was going to happen. We were probably just going to go downtown and get into trouble like we usually do. I finish my lo mein and try to escape upstairs but my dad catches me. "Brielle I need to talk to you remember?" Crap. I slowly head down the stairs and sit at the table. "What's up?"

 "I need to ask you a huge favor." 

 "Ok... What's the favor?" 

 "Do you know a kid named Cole at your school? David says he goes to Westbrooke with you."

 "Yes I know him and who's David?"

 "Davids my boss and Cole is his son. I just started working there Brie and I really need to make a good impression. So um could you be nice to him? Hang out with him maybe? I don't know whatever you kids do."

 No. This has to be a prank. I look around for any cameras. This can't be happening. This day has already been bad enough and now this??!?! No I can't. "Dad I despise him I would rather eat Lucy's shit than talk to him." 

 "Brielle language." 


 "You need to do this for me Brielle. You don't have to hang out with him a lot just be nice to him at school when you see him and just go out of your way to talk to him maybe? I don't know Brie.. I know this sucks and I know I'm asking a lot but this is an amazing paying job and I need this. We all need this." Jeez way to guilt trip me. 

"Fine Dad but you owe me BIG time." 

 "I know Brie. Thank you." 

 "Yup.." I hurry up to my room and scream into my pillow. Tonight was going to be fun......

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