"This is amazing." I breath, letting my hand drop away from his face.

"You're finger is blue too," he giggles. "It looks like you're up to something,"

"Well have you ever heard of the term 'caught red handed'?" I joke and he groans. "Well, blue handed," I correct myself.

"That was the worst joke I've ever heard." He mocks me before taking the hand that I had laid on the table in his. He turns it over so my white palm is facing upwards. He trails his finger across my palm in a heart shape and then colours it in delicately.. I hold my hand up for inspection and smile.

"Beautiful." I tell him before taking his hand and doing the same thing.

He laces his fingers through mine, spreading the blue and covering the heart.

"Aww no." I sigh, looking at our blue hands. "I liked our hand hearts." I complain and he laughs at me.

"Here." he says reaching up with his spare hand and drawing a heart on my cheek. "Better?" He asks me gently.

I feel I could listen to his voice forever.

I nod before grinning at him mischievously. I reach out a finger and draw a dot on his nose and three lines across both his cheeks. I pull back and admire my work smiling.

He turns towards a nearby window and studies his reflection, before turning back and rolling his eyes at me.

"Cat whiskers? Really?" He asks and I giggle and nod.

"You do make a cute cat," I say while he does the same on my face. He turns the nose into a heart.

"So do you." he says, before chuckling to himself. "This feels so natural, and like I know it's supposed to but, I still know hardly anything about you," he says and I smile at him before lacing our other hands together, watching the colours leak through our fingertips.

"Well then, get to know me." I tell him simply, and he beams.

"What's your favourite band?" he asks and I grin.

"Muse. Yours?"

"Now I get what being soulmates means," he laughs. "Favourite film?"

"That depends on the category," I reply.

"Do you like anime?"

"Howl's moving castle," I say without missing a beat.

"You are so perfect already," he smiles gently, tenderly placed a kiss to my hand. "What's your favourite colour?"

"Blue," I reply simply. What else would it be? With an amused look on his face he swirls patterns across my arm with one blue finger.

"Mine too." he whispers, smiling as the colour blooms across my skin like a fresh rose.

"What a surprise," I laugh, watching in wonder as the colour transforms my skin. "It's so pretty." I sigh as he draws hearts and stars and cat whiskers across my arms.

"It matches you then." He grins and I roll my eyes.

"That was so smooth." I tell him laughing. He winks at me and I feel my heart flutter and my partially blue cheeks flush.

"So...favourite colour, favourite band, favourite film...what about your favourite food?" I ask quickly, hoping to draw attention away from my burning cheeks.

He takes his finger away from my arm and strokes it across my cheek, beaming. "You're blushing!" He says smiling widely.

"I'm not!" I try to argue but his grin shows that my blush is far too obvious.

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