dumb excuses for racism and animal farm

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"tHeY hAvE lOw Iq!1!1" yeah no shit sherlock. What did expect to happen when the damn leaders keep stealing and people are too poor to go to school and get an education. The last time I checked the West and the Far East didn't do too well without proper education and basic human rights either.

"sJw!1!" stfu

Also, people who really be out there using "(insert leftist politician) good, orange man bad!1!1" unironically are cancelled. Half of these dumb 12-year olds have not picked up Animal Farm once and they want to be out here saying that smh 🤦🏾‍♀️

It's a bit peak tho; imagine writing a book about actual people suffering and dying; without trying to get criticised and your legacy is a bunch of 14-year old Neo-Nazis who think they're enlightened just bc they one-up anyone who isn't white and atheist or Christian 🤡🤡🤡

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