...and the Obvious (PT. 2) {Hamilsquad x Reader}

Start from the beginning


I looked up at the guys.

"What was that about? Was it about (Y/N)?" Alex asked hopefully.

I nodded. "She's in Buffalo. Don't know where, but she's there."

All their eyes widened, and Alex stood up. "What're we waiting for? It's morning, we have all day! Let's go!"

Your POV

'Well f*ck. So much for being safe here.'

How did Adrian find me up here? No clue. All I knew was that if he caught me, I was screwed for sure.

Turning a sharp corner, I hurried through an alleyway. I heard footsteps behind me, but didn't dare look back. "(Y/N)! Come back here you brat!"

I sped out of the alleyway, trying to get by people without running into anyone. I turned down another alleyway, nearly sliding behind a large trash bin. I felt a sharp pain shoot up my leg from my ankle. God damnit.

I didn't hear footsteps, but my breath was caught in my throat regardless.

"(Y/N)! I know you're here somewhere!"

I brought my knees up, holding onto my sore ankle. Probably sprained that or something. Not fun.

My breathing hitched more when I saw a shadow looming over me. "I told you, you little b*tch, you can't run from me!"

I gasped when Adrian reached down, grabbing my shirt collar and yanking me up with ease. There was a painful, stinging sensation against my jaw and cheeks, and I felt black cornering my vision.

"Pl-Please.." I whispered.

Adrian only grinned, gripping my shirt tighter. "Oh, I'm going to have so much fun with you when we get back. You'll get what you deserve, my little rag doll."

I couldn't reply, only screwing my eyes shut. I braced for him to do something when I suddenly heard footsteps. Adrian lost his grip on my shirt as he was jerked back and I hit the ground, another pain shooting up my ankle.

I was pulled into someone's arms, but I couldn't identify who. But between the pain of my ankle and the rest of the pain littering my body, I felt myself slip into unconsciousness.

~ two months later ~

Alex's POV

Perhaps it was the fact that even after all that happened, she kept a smile on her face. Perhaps it was the fact that she made even my King's College sweatshirt seem bigger than it was. I didn't know what, but all I knew was that I had fallen for (Y/N). And I could tell my boyfriends did too.

Currently, I was in the main room of John and I's apartment with Herc and Laf. John had went to talk to (Y/N) in the guest room after we found her in a sad mood.

It had a while since John had entered and I was starting to wonder what they were discussing. I turned to Laf and Herc. "What do you think they're talking about?"

They both shrugged.

"I don't know. But I'm sure John cheered her up," Herc responded.

I nodded, standing up. "I'll just see how they're doing."

Laf stood up too. "I'll come with you, amour."

"Me too," Herc added.

They followed me to the guest room. There were hushed voices behind the door I could barely make out.

"--ell them?" (Y/N).

"I think that's your best bet," John replied.

"But what if they have a different response than you?"

"Chickadee, if I feel this way, then they will too. Trust me."

Chickadee? I looked at the guys, puzzled. They only shrugged. I turned back to the door, knocking.

There was a silence for a beat. "Come in!" John spoke.

I opened the door, seeing the two on the bed. They seemed a little closer together than two people might normally be but I pushed it aside.

"Is everything going well in here?" I asked.

John chuckled. "Everything is all good now. I think she has something to tell you guys as well."

(Y/N) sent him a "you've-got-to-be-kidding-me" kinda look, and John only sent her a lopsided smile, shrugging.

She sighed, running a hand through her hair. "I- Well... you see... I, uh.."

I made a gesture with my hands signaling her to continue. John nudged her arm.

"Ilikeyouguysalot!" she blurted in one breath. I could only make out "like" and "guys", but I took a hint from that.

"You like us... like more than friends?" I spoke after a moment.

She nodded slowly. "Isn't it obvious?"

"Okay, because it would've been awkward if you didn't..."

She looked at us a moment. "What do you mean it would've-- wait. You like me--"

"Yes! Now get over here!" I exclaimed, laughing.

(Y/N) got off the bed after a few moments and I immediately pulled her into a hug. I felt another pair of arms after a beat, then another. Eventually, all five of us were all huddled together. Something about it just seemed better with her.

After what must've been a few minutes, we all pulled apart. I opened my mouth to ask her something when she spoke up. "Yes, I'll join the relationship."

Was I that painfully obvious? It didn't matter. Cue the second big hug of the morning.


nailed it. that was a long second part woopsies. hope you enjoyed it tho lol

if you friends are lucky, you'll get a face reveal within the next few days. keep watch~!

that's all, and I'll cya next time!

~ Galaxy

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