Of course, she had to pull the concerned mom card and make the conversation about safety.

"Yes mom, I'm being smart."

"So where's this date tonight?"

"Um..." I paused contemplating how she would react when I told her, "Michael's house."

"Michael's house?" Her eyebrows shot up and she pursed her lips.

"But, don't worry. It's not like that," I promised. "We're just going to watch a movie and order in some takeout."

"Mhhm, sure," she said rolling her eyes, "I know what kids are up to these days. It isn't much different than when I was young."

"Mom, we're not having sex. I'd tell you if we were," I said looking into her eyes so she'd know I wasn't lying.

"Okay, okay. Give me his address just in case."

"Okay, I will."

She nodded and grabbed Cat into a bear hug that filled the air with giggles and squeals. I loved my mom and how she made it easy to talk to her. I almost felt bad about not telling her what happened yesterday, but the fact that she would have been freaking out if I had made me not regret my decision. She didn't need to worry over nothing, she's been through enough.


Work went by slowly, probably because I was so eager to get out of there so I could prepare for my date. Of course, Si had told Ale about our kiss, even though when I called her last night I told her not to because Ale gets really protective.

He spent most of the day prying for details and preparing me for this evening. He was really concerned that I was going to Michael's house alone, but I assured him that I would call him if I needed anything. And my location services would be on. He really wanted to go to my house so he could intimidate Michael when he picked me up, but I had to remind him that he isn't very scary.

When I finally got home I Facetimed Lucia to help me with an outfit.

"Hey Luch! So, any advice...what do I wear to a movie night?"

"Um..., "she paused for a moment, "Okay well definitely something comfortable, but also something cute. Please no sweatpants!"

"Okay, so does that mean leggings are a no?"

"As long as they aren't ratty it should be okay. Oh! Wear that cute cardigan you got for your birthday! You know, the chunky knit one."

"Oh, yeah okay. I'll just wear a camisole underneath and my Adidas?"

"Yeah, that's cute. Put it on so I can see it," she instructed.

I set the phone down on my bed and rummaged through my dresser for a good pair of black leggings. I slipped them on with a camisole and went to my closet for the cardigan.

"Hey, so spill the beans. I heard you guys kissed."

"Seriously? Does the whole family know?" I exclaimed with annoyance.

"Don't be dramatic. Now spill!"

"What do you want me to say, give you a play by play about how our eyes met and lips locked--"

"No, no, no. I mean like did you initiate it? Was it awkward? Cute?"

"Okay, honestly it was so cringe. I was sweaty...from riding bikes...and I was wearing a stupid hat so when I leaned in I hit his forehead...ugh...so embarrassing," my cheeks were burning with the memory.

"Okay, and?"

"And then he flipped my hat around backward and we kissed...and...then he said he liked me."

She squealed with excitement and I picked up the phone to show her my outfit telling her to calm down.

"So," I said flipping the camera so she could see my reflection in my floor-length mirror, "Is this okay?"

"Yes, I approve. What about your hair?"

"What about it?" I asked looking at my natural waves in the mirror.

"I dunno, do you have time to do anything with it?"

"Um," I checked the time, "not really, he's going to be here any minute."

"Okay, maybe just pull some of it out of your face."

"Okay," I set the phone down on the dresser and grabbed a couple of Bobby pins.

I pinned either side back and picked it up to show her.


"Yes, perfect. Have fun babe. Text me!" She yelled as the doorbell rang.

"Okay, ciao. TVB."

"Ma the door! Per fa'," I yelled down the stairs as I quickly slipped into my shoes.

The alarm system beeped letting me know that she had opened the door and I spritzed some perfume on before turning off my light and heading downstairs.

"Hey," I greeted as my mom stepped aside.

"You ready?" he asked.

"Yep," I turned to my mom and kissed her cheek goodbye.

"Have fun and be safe," she said, giving Michael a glare.

"Okay, mamma. TVB."

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