ch 14

341 2 10

3rd pov

As most of Lockwood and co were walking to the case they were asking Lockwood himself about his date.

"Did you do what I told you to?" Quill asks.

"I didn't like full out kiss her, mainly because we ran into her old boss."

"Fuuuuun, how did that go?" George asked sarcastically.

"Picked up another job." Lockwood shrugged.

"Where? And why would he ask you instead of his own agency doing it?" Holly asked.

"The Wythburn Mill, and he said he's out of ideas. We'll be up against whatever was there before and all of Lucy's dead friends."

"Well I hope we don't need a Listener, there's no way in hell she's going back there." George says rubbing his glasses on his shirt. "Learn anything else fun?"

"Barnes just happens to be in town because he's Lucy's sister's fiancé's uncle. And the ghost we're against to night is most likely her dad." He says casually.

"Damn, I see why she doesn't like coming back here. Does she know that it might be her dad tonight?"

"Yeah, she even thinks she knows what the source is." 

"Important question, what are we going to do with the source?"

"Seal it Holly, that's what we do with them." Quill answered.

"Shove off Quilliam, it was a decent question. And the answer is-"

"You really wanna drag out old nicknames Tony?"

"Okay. Okay, both of you two need to calm down!" George intervened. "Kipps, that was a dick thing to say. Lockwood answer Holly's question."

"I don't honestly know the answer to Holly's question. Completely forgot to ask someone from here where some sort of furnace is."

"Brilliant, Tony, just brilliant. So what exactly do you plan to do with it? We can't just bring it back with us."

"I know, I guess we can seal it and keep it away from their house, and ask Luce where they took them when she worked around here."

"Just leave it out until morning?" Holly asked hoping the answer was 'no.'

"Of course not. You guys can wait a little ways off, and I can go in and ask Luce."

"Just run back and ask now."



Lucy was sitting in the kitchen talking about her little date to Mary. 

"So you two ran into Jacobs?"

"Yeah, it was horrible. He asked Anthony to take up a case and my dumb ass of a boyfriend actually agreed."

"So where is it?"

"You should know where. Also I don't think any of them know where the furnace is."

"They burnt the place down, who's still causing issues?" Lucy just gave her a look. "So their Source is in the ashes?"

"I guess, Anth is just going to scatter salt and iron on the ground- see if it works." They heard the door open and close, and Anthony walks into the kitchen. "Hey Anth, realize you don't know what to do with the source?"


"The furnace is just a few miles west of the bar."

"And west is what direction?"

"From the back of the building."

"Thanks love, I'll see you in a little bit."

"Stay safe."

"Will do." And with that he was gone again.

"He's hot, but not the smartest is he?" Mary says nudging Lucy.

"He's not normally that dense... well I guess it depends on what it is."

"Act first think later?" Mary asks.

"Basically, he can be pretty reckless."

"So your job is to keep him safe on most cases."

"Yeah, that and my actually job."

"Sounds like a Gryffindor."

"One, nerd and two, yeah he would be."

"Is he really worth all the stress?" She asks.

"Oh, he's definitely worth all the stress."

"So your telling me that if you could reel in his recklessness you wouldn't?"

"Oh I never said that! I've been tryjng to keep his ass alive for years now. I've just learned how to deal with it and change my plans halfway through running down a hall with me sword out. But I'd much rather have to worry about keeping him alive than live without him."

"Aaawww! My little sister's in love!"

"Maybe a bit."

"Not just her boyfriend, but that whole group seems like they can be a bit much." Charity joins in.

"Well you see, I grew up with six older sisters-" Lucy starts and shields herself from the pillow thrown at her head. "I know how to deal with people being a bit much."

"Are you sticking around for dinner, Chare?" Mary asks.

"No, I promised Jace I'd be home tonight. And the kids need to sleep in their own beds."

"Oh alright, go cuddle up with your loving husband and leave your little sisters all on their own." Mary exaggerates.

"If Luce was still three I may be hesitant, but I think you're old enough to fend for yourselves."

"Who all will be home for dinner anyway?" Lucy asks

"The two of us, mom, and Sarah I think. We should probably make extra just in case though."


When Lockwood and co came back into to house, they heard credit music. Lockwood stuck his head into the living room to see Lucy and Mary laying on the couch, Lucy's head in Mary's lap. He just smiled and put a blanket over Lucy.

"Looks like you've got the room to yourself Quill. I'll just sleep in Luce's room."

"She asleep in the living room?"

"Yeah. I think she's missed her sister a bit more than she let on."

"What about when she wakes up?" Holly asks.

"I have a feeling that they'll just squeeze into Mary's bed if they wake up. But Luce seems to be out cold, I'm not too worried about her waking until morning."

"And her sister?"

"Well it's Luce's bed I'm stealing, not her sister's the rest of you are stealing her sisters' beds."

"Whatever, I'm heading for a shower, you boys fight over semantics all you want." Holly says leaving the other three in the hallway.

"I call showering after," Lockwood says, "I don't think Lucy would appreciate me crawling into her bed covered in sweat."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2022 ⏰

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