ch 3 (mostly edited)

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3rd pov

The next week went by fairly quick, and normal. They asked Lucy questions about how the typical weather is in Cheviot Hills. Also about what they should pack, and about some of the history of the place.

Now they were on the train to the place Lucy used to call home. She was worried about what her new friends would think about her old life. She was sitting a cross from Holly, with the boys at the table across the isle from them.

"So is there anything last minute we should know before we get there?" Holly said breaking the silence. She could tell there was something up with Lucy and was trying to distract her.

"My sisters will probably be in and out constantly, they have no sense of privacy, and we all only tolerate mom, nobody really likes being around her for very long. She tends to piss us all off so we normally go around her in at least pairs."

"Wow, that's kinda sad." Kipps remarked.

"Just how things are with my family, nothing can really fix it, trust me we've tried."

"What are the names off all your sisters again?" Holly asked.

"From oldest to youngest it's: Charity, Sarah, Rose, Natalia, Teresa, Mary, then me. Natalia and Teresa are the identical twins, half the time I can't even tell them apart but one of them has hopefully chopped off or colored their hair."

"And Charity is the one that's getting married?" Lockwood asked.

"No, Sarah is. Charity got married several years ago, I've been an aunt since I was 9."

"Wow, I guess I didn't think about the age gaps between you and your oldest siblings."

"Yeah, 12 years between me and Char. She had her first kid when she was 21."

"Wow that's young." Quill said, him being older then that now, and still being single. It made him kind of feel lonely, the last girl he dated was Jessica. He was snapped out of his sad thoughts when Lucy said one more thing that was interesting.

"Oh, and they'll probably assume I'm dating one of you guys."

"They'd do that?" Lockwood said forming a plan.

"I'm coming home with 3 guys, yeah, they'll assume I'm dating one of you."

"I really don't understand why people do that." George says.

"I guess it's a girl thing, the first time I saw Lucy and Lockwood actually have a conversation, and just kinda hang out waiting for a case, I thought they had been dating for a while."

"Really?" Lockwood and Lucy both ask.

"Yeah, you were bickering like an old married couple." They all laugh at that one. Conversation died away after a little bit and Lucy started to fall asleep looking out the window. When she finally did, Holly took her chance at helping her ship sail. "Hey Lockwood, didn't you put a blanket in your backpack, just in case it was cold in here?"

"Yeah, do you want it?" He asks reaching for his bag.

"Well no, but Luce just fell asleep and could probably use it." He looks over to find Lucy sleeping, leaned against the side of the train, with her shoulders towards the window, and her feet on her small bench pointed towards them.

He reaches into his bag and pulls out one of his favorite blankets, and drapes it over Lucy. In her sleep she grabs the corner and cuddles into the blanket, taking in Lockwood's sent. George and Quill saw it as she was cold. Lockwood knew that Lucy loves blankets, even when she doesn't need them, she loves just being wrapped up in the warmth. And Holly saw it how it was, yes Lockwood was right, she does like to be wrapped up in the warmth, but also she likes to feel protected, she likes the warmth because it makes her feel safe. And with that added sent of Lockwood on this blanket, she was in heaven, to her it was like having Lockwood cuddled up with her.

"Hey when she wakes up, this was all your idea, I just pointed out that she was asleep." Holly said.

"Why? Do you think she'll be mad or something?" Lockwood asks worried.

"No, but I'm getting tired of you two being oblivious to feelings and this should help with that."

"Okay, if you think it'll help." For the most part the wrest of the ride was quiet. Until the air got turned on and Lockwood got cold. "Do you think she'll kill me if I make her share that blanket, I'm actually cold over here."

"Try if you want to, it'll be fun to watch if she's not okay with it."

"I'll take my chances. I think I'm directly under a vent." He crossed the isle and got under the blanket. Lucy cuddled into him, thinking that it was just a dream. Lockwood was amazed at the fact that he had Lucy cuddling with him. He loves the way she feels in his arms.

"Better now Tony?" Quill asks.

"Yeah, and I really need to man up and ask her out, this just feels right." He pulled her closer to him. After a few minutes he fell asleep with Lucy.

When Lucy woke up she didn't say anything, she just stayed wrapped up in the blanket and cuddled Lockwood, she turned so she could look out the window. When Holly caught that she was awake, she had to know how Lucy felt about her current situation.

"Any questions?"

"Yeah, why is Lockwood cuddling me? Not that I'm complaining, but I am confused."

"You fell asleep so he put his blanket on you, then he got cold so he said he'd risk you getting made at him and got under the blanket with you."

"Okay then, almost there now, only about 15 more minutes." Lucy said not looking away from the window.

"Are you sure?" Quill askes.

"I think I know where I grew up." She said glaring at him.

"Fair enough."

"With any luck, we won't have to walk to my mom's place, and one of my sisters or friends will be there with a car."

"How far is the walk?" George asks.

"Just over a mile, but its worse with all these bags and the heat." Then she turns to Lockwood, "Lockwood, wake up." She gently shakes his shoulder. When he wakes up he realizes that he's holding Lucy's waist.

"Oh sorry."

"You're fine, I woke you up because we're almost there. "

"You sure it's okay?"

"Unless you're uncomfortable with it, I'm fine with it." He tightened his grip on her.

"So what's up with you two now? Are you like a couple?" George askes.

"I don't know," Lucy turned to look at the man holding her. "What are we, 'cause this kinda came out of nowhere, but feels normal."

"Wanna be an actual couple, Luce? This does seem right."

"I guess your answer is that we are dating, as of right now."

"Well when your sister assumes your dating one of us she won't be wrong now."

"Yeah, this week just got more interesting." She nuzzles into Lockwood's neck. "This blanket is amazingly soft."

"That's why it was one of my favorites, now it's my favorite because of you." He said the last part quieter so only she could hear it. That's when the train stopped at the station.

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