ch 2 (mostly edited)

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Lucy's pov

While Lockwood was looking in awe of my drawing I slowly took it back, when I did he was still just standing there. Did he think it was weird that I drew him? He said it was good, so it couldn't have been him thinking about how to tell me it wasn't good. Or maybe he was trying to find a way to tell me how he really thought of it.

Now I was sitting in my room regretting telling him the truth about what I was drawing. I could have that I was just working on shapes or something. That's a lot less weird then  'I'm drawing you, the light is perfect' God I'm stupid! After a few more minutes of hating myself, I hear a knock on the door. Please don't be him! I go over to and open the door.

"Oh hey, Holly." I say relieved.

"Hey, odd question. Can I borrow a tampon? I literally just started, and don't have one in my bag."

"Under my sink, and I don't want it back when you're done with it."

"Yeah, but asking if I can have something just doesn't sound like me." She says walking over to my bathroom. After a minute I heard Holly washing her hands, and she came back out.

"Better?" I asked jokingly. She rolled her eyes and played along.

"Oh yeah totally."

"There should be some Advil in there too, and later you can give the tampon to a vampire so they can make some blood tea." Her eyes widened.

"I'm never going to see tampons or tea the same way again." She almost sounded scared.

"You're welcome." I laugh.

"So you and Lockwood?..." Her mood changed completely.

"Are not a thing."

"And why not?"

"Just because I like him, doesn't mean he likes me, and I'm not willing to risk asking him."

"But he could say 'yes' and you don't know unless you ask him!"

"Why would he want to date me?"


"You heard me."

"Oh come on Luce, you really need to work on your self esteem."

"You need to work on realism. Holly a guy like that, would never date a girl like me."

"Okay so what makes you think that you two could never be a thing?" She says sitting on my bed.

"Come on Holly, I'm not in the mood for this." I complain.

"Too bad this is helping with the cramps." With a sigh, I give up and sit next to her.

"You have looked at the boy right?"

"Yeah, he's hot, so what?

"Thought you said you didn't have a thing for him?"

"I don't, I'm a lesbian, but I know when a guy is hot."

"And you have seen me right?"

"Yes Lucy, and you're very pretty, you just need to have some confidence....What happened to you're self esteem, I've never a girl hate herself so much."

"Oh you'll see when you meet my mother."

"Really, I figured it would have been a bitchy older sister or something more along those lines."

"Nope, well I guess they were part of it, but my mom is the worst of it."

"Really?" I could not, for the life of me, figure out why she cared so much. It's not like it affects her personally . . . but while I have someone to vent to, I might as well tell her.

"Yeah, by the time I was old enough to care about stuff like my appearance, she had just given up on trying to actually be a loving mother. She just told me that 'prettiness isn't my profession' and told me to go play or practice. I've never had a family member to actually say much nice about me, other then Mary." By this point, and as the realization kick in, I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. Holly could tell this and pulled me into a hug.

"I-I don't know what to say...I'm so sorry Luce."

"It's not like it's your fault Hol."

"Well no, but... I don't know what else to say."

"It's fine Hol, I've just accepted it as a part of life. 'Might as well be told strait out as a kid, that way fantasies don't get in the way.'" Holly gave me a small sad smile at my response.

"I'm not going to like your mom will I?" She asks.

"Not many people do."

"Well, I should get back to cleaning up while George isn't here to try and stop me from getting his experiments out of plain sight."

"Good luck with that, there's like 20 of them, and only so many hiding spots." She starts walking over to the door.

"I'll just put some of them in his room." And she was gone, it was just me alone in my room again. I pick up my sketchbook again, and continue my drawing. It was one of those typical girly, bunch of hearts with mine and Lockwood's initials. I cannot honestly say that I don't have feelings for Lockwood, but it's not like I'd ever tell him. He deserves a hot girl, who isn't as fucked up as me.

"Lucy! Dinner!" Yay food, that'll keep my mind off of Lockwood... well as much as eating dinner with him and our friends can. I get half way down the stairs when I hear George yell again.

"I'm coming!" I yell back.

"That's what she said." He says back.

"Not like she'll ever say that to you." Kipps says, and we all burst out laughing. George just keeps a strait face until and says.

"Tell that to Flo."

"Woah! Way to much info."

 "'In Flo'? Yes I will be."

"Seriously stop. Nobody needs to know that." Lockwood complains.

"Lets just eat already." Holly suggests before a fight breaks out.

After dinner, we hung out and played some games until, it got really late and Quill and Holly went to their homes, and the wrest of us went to our rooms. On our way up to our rooms, Lockwood went right past his, then right past their bathroom, then stopped me just before I get to my door.

"What's up?" I asked confused to why he stopped me.

"I was just.... making sure that you knew that I really did find that drawing truly amazing, you have a real talent."

"Thanks Lockwood," I could feel the blush creeping into my cheeks, I looked down. He just stood there smiling at me. "Well if that's it, I'm gunna go lay down, good night."

"Okay, night Luce, see you in the morning."

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