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And so, after writing a note to his father explaining that he was accompanying the prince on a crucial quest across Valmead, Ryan left the comfort of his quaint village workshop and joined the royal trio as they made their way down the open road, toward the vast landscape of the countryside beyond the walls.  Leaving the village made him uneasy, especially with people he had only just met, but it was the right thing to do.  He knew it was, deep down in his gut.  Helping the prince with his troubling task was his number one priority now, no matter the cost.

The warm morning breeze whistled through the leaves as the four came to the outskirts of the tall village walls.  Royal guards roamed the catwalks, bows in their hands and quivers of arrows slung over their shoulders.  Fearful that they would recognize him, Brendon pulled his hood back over his head and lowered his gaze, but none of the guards paid any mind to the four of them as they left the village, left behind the secure kingdom of Asturias.

Left behind everything they'd ever known.

Brendon couldn't swallow the nervous pang in his chest as he stared down the long cobblestone road that seemed to stretch on forever.  He'd never left the castle in his entire life.  All he'd ever known was the life of pure comfort and royalty.  When he wanted breakfast, all he'd have to do was ring a bell, and a full-course meal was rushed straight to his room.  When he wanted to adorn his room with a new bauble or trinket, it was done with a snap of his fingers.  All his life, the world had revolved around him and him alone, but now, as he stared at the vast and beautiful valley of land before him, he couldn't help but feel completely and utterly isolated.

He hadn't realized Spencer, Jon, and Ryan had wandered ahead of him until Spencer's voice startled him back to the reality at hand.  "Are you ready to go, Your Highness?"  he asked, concern lacing his tone as he watched the prince linger at the entrance to the village.

His heart hammering inside his chest, Brendon glanced at the three of them.  Spencer readjusted the small pack slung over his shoulder, his worried gaze fixed on the prince.  Jon pulled down his hood and straightened his ruffled hair.  Ryan picked at the ash and dirt caked beneath his fingernails, absentmindedly gazing between the village walls and the open world waiting behind them.  This was it.  This was the moment the Fates had so carefully planned out for him, and he was caught between drowning in a wave of dread and twitching his hands in eager anticipation.

This was the beginning of his journey, and there was no turning back now.

So putting on his charming smile, Brendon spared one last glance at his soon-to-be kingdom, and then, he moved to join the others down the long road that awaited them.

"I was born ready, my dear Smith."

*  *  *  *  *

Ambling down the winding cobblestones as the warm wind rustled the orange leaves and carried the gentle sound of singing birds was a blissful experience unlike any other.  Rocky mountains loomed in the distance like giant monsters, soft white clouds billowing around the peaks and painting the gorgeous blue sky above.  Butterflies floated through the air like delicate feathers in the breeze.  Even the occasional rabbit or deer wandered the path of the travelers, curiosity gleaming in their gaze.  Nature was blossoming outside the walls of the kingdom, and it was one of the most beautiful sights they'd ever seen.

Silently, taking in the peaceful sounds of the environment around them, the four continued down the cobblestone path that stretched on for miles into the distance.  They weren't quite sure where they were going, or even what they were doing, but admiring the breathtaking landscape seemed to take precedence over finding their way for the time being.

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