"Hey mamma! Im great thanks, just in town. How you doing? Hows daddy?"

"He's fine sweety, im good too, can you believe im brown?! Ugh I cant wait to show you my gorgeous tan! You still should have come with us! anyway hunny, just ringing to let you know that we are leaving for the airport in a bit so we will be back in England at Manchester Airport at 11.45 but by the time we go through customs and everything it will be about 12.15 or 12.30ish."

"okie dokie mamma, I'll see you tomorrow then, did you order a mini van to pick you up or shall I do it?"

"Ah, I knew there was something else! Can you sort us out please darling?"

"of course! Don't worry, I will ring you later and tell you anything you need to know okay?"

Josh got out of the car as I approached it and came around to the passenger side door "Did you get what you need darling?"he asked. I pointed to the phone and he mouthed his apology to me smiling sheepishly. He opened the door and I climbed inside and waited for him to get back in before whispering 'mum' to him.

My mother with the ears of a bat heard Josh and my whispering and began her teenage girl giggling "Is that the infamous Joshua, that I have yet to meet?"she laughed down the phone, and I smiled in embarrassment.

"yeah that was Josh" I said shyly and Josh laughed out loud at my shyness, I glared back at him and he quickly turned to face the road and started driving. I finished chatting to my mum and put the phone down and sighed.

"What's up gorgeous?" he questioned. His hand was on my leg softly rubbing in circle motions, I looked at him and smiled.

Don't get me wrong, im not materialistic but I have grown up with money. My parents are really rich, we have a 5 bedroom, 4 bathroom, 3 function room house with front and back garden and a heated indoor pool, in an ultra private area. So when I 14, I always imagined I would spend the rest of my life with money, so when I pictured my life as an adult I had always dreamt that I would be with a guy that I was absolutely head over heels in love with, that when I looked at him my heart would start racing a mile a minute and butterflies would flutter in circles viciously around my stomach and here with Josh, I was feeling exactly that. I always imagined me and my mystery guy would have a nice car (im a bit of a petrol -head) like a range rover and yep you guessed, Josh has a black range rover sport, with cream leather interior. It was a nice realisation that even the slightly crazier dreams I had were coming true.

"Nothing sweety, right here, right now everything is perfect. But mum and dad are coming tomorrow and they are still adamant on meeting you."

"im offended, don't you think im going to make a good impression on your dear parents?"

"aw no! Its not that, its just trying to imagine my dads face when he gets out of that van tomorrow and sees you standing there. I have never had a boyfriend before, I never bought a boy home." I mumbled hastily with embarrassment and sure enough my head ducked down to hide the blush I could feel rising in my cheek.

Josh smiled as he drove his beauty of a car along the long driveway towards the house, as he pulled up the parking brake he turned to me "have they already booked their van?" I looked at him and shook my head no "Why?" I asked curiously. He gave me his mischievous grin and replied "we can go pick them up! My back seats will fold so there will be more than enough boot space for their suitcases and it gives me a chance to meet them" he said excitedly.

I looked into his face which looked way too excited for what he was suggested while I thought his 'plan' through and actually it would work so I agreed to it and then I tossed Josh the house keys and rang my mum to tell her the plan. As expected she squealed like a teenager, gosh her and Lex were so alike sometimes but I told her I had to go and do some laundry. I didn't think it would be such a brilliant idea to go into extensive details on how much damage had been made to the house during their time away.

I put the phone down and walked through the door into the foyer, I pulled Josh away from shattered vase he was sweeping up, I tip toed so I could give him a kiss and then gave him a hug, "You don't have to clean up, go sit upstairs or I think the movie room is sanitary." I felt bad for him , I swear every time he comes over there is some chores to do. He looked down at me and chuckled at me shaking his head "im not going to leave you to do all this on your own, forget about it. Come on we'll do it one room at a time." He grabbed my shoulders and directed me into the living room. I grabbed the remote off the sofa and instantly put it on kerrang! I laughed as the information guide said it was playing You Me At Six chart show, which was a random collection of every video they had ever made. Josh was cringing as a really old video was playing for Gossip from their first album. He lunged for the remote so I ran around the room, his face was too funny to just change the channel so easily. He chased me around and I jumped over the coffee table and ran over the top of the sofa, I stood back on the coffee table as the song came to an end, I turned the tv down as the adverts started playing. "What was all that about?" I asked through my laughter, "What was what?" Josh asked feigning innocence. I mimicked the pained expression he had had on his face and eventually he sighed putting his head in his hands.

"put it this way, that song is just awful. I would rather someone punched me in the balls every single day for the rest of my life with a sledgehammer, than ever have to admit to writing that." I laughed even harder and tears started falling from my eyes, I sat up and took deep breaths trying to calm myself down.

"You know, rockstar, that can always be arranged!" he glared at me before lunging for the remote as the adverts finished, we both looked to the tv and I smiled as 'Stay With Me' came on. I looked at Josh and he turned the TV up louder, shaking his head at me. He pulled me into his lap on the sofa and rested his head on my shoulder, i could hear him humming along to the song and so I just muted the tv and told him to sing to me. He finished off the song slower than the usual version but it was beautiful, his voice was so soft and gentle it was almost hauntingly beautiful, by the time he had finished I was completely mesmerised, just transfixed on his voice. It was the only sound I could hear and I was perfectly content with that.

A/N Hey Guys!! Well I finally got round to uploading the next chapter!! sorry if it bores the socks off you, it just explains some things, i didnt want to just jump different times. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy it!! =) xx

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