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Josh sighs as he closes his eyes, computer screen lighting his face in the dim room. Leaning back in his chair his palms roughly drag down his face. When he reopens his eyes he hopes to see a change on the dimming screen, he'll take any change at this point. A green dot appearing where once it was dark almost makes his heart stop for a split second. Quickly stumbling to sit up he nervously watches the three dots flicker at the bottom of the screen. It's been three nights in a row without seeing his face. Three nights too long. Three nights of 'still working on the vid x'. Three nights of sulking. Three nights of pure disappointment. Make that four. Josh stares at the message, his heart sinking. Almost exactly the same as the others, he's still working on a video. Part of Josh wonders if it's just an excuse. George has been acting different lately. Ever since he's gotten big on YouTube he's been busy all the time. Josh knows he shouldn't dwell on his thoughts. Sometimes it's hard, George has always put him first. It hurts more then it should, Josh knows this. He refuses to admit it to him but it hurts that George has put YouTube before him. YouTube over his best mate, fucking best mate. Maybe he is overreacting, but Josh doesn't care. George is important to him, they've been friends for years. Ever since YouTube things have changed, changed in ways Josh hates. Putting his thoughts behind Josh focuses back on his computer screen. It takes him a minute to land on the conversation he's looking for. The green dot next to the name makes him sigh in relief. Being careful with his words Josh drafts up a message before sending it.

hey al, george talked to you?

yea mate, whtd he do? need me ta yell at em?

no all good, jus wondernin. hasnt been talkin much

i kno he's been beatin imself up over uploading n shit, thought he's been talkin to u

nah he been silent. thx mate, cheers

np fam

With a sigh he minimizes discord, staring blankly at his background. It's been boring without George, he just doesn't know what else to do with his nights. Now it just feels as if he's missing something every night, he hates how pathetic it is. Why'd he have to grow so dependent on his best friend. Doesn't he miss Josh the same way Josh misses him? A groan slips past his lips as he stands up from his chair. Without thinking his fist soon collides with his chair, roughly knocking it into the floor. Mumbling curses under his breath he picks it up and prays that no one will come in to question him. He holds his breath for a minute as he's comforted by the silence. Letting out his breath he grabs his phone and falls onto his bed. Trying to distract himself before he actually breaks something he decides to scroll through his social medias.

[these chapters will be half the
length i usually write so maybe
i can start getting out chapters
quicker. also thanks for all the
support, i didn't expect this??]

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