The truth..?

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Otabek sat down in his office, his head slammed onto his desk as he felt like he could do nothing to help.

"Otabek..? " Alena whispered as she saw the raven-haired man storm to his office. She almost ran to where he was, shaking in worry as she saw his posture " Wh...what happened ?"

Chris got out of his king's room and went to go find Alena.

"Viktor, that's what." He growled.

Viktor bid Yuuri goodbye with a kiss, it seemed like the event was too much for the king anyway, so he let him go rest in his chamber while he's back to his own place, only to meet Chris on the hall. "What are you doing?" Viktor asked calmly as he removed the blood-stained coat

"Oh, I was trying to find Alena to talk about wedding plans," Chris said

"What did he do," Alena said, trying to keep her voice even, ignoring the anger boiling inside her.

"Mhm," Viktor nodded. "You do know that I noticed you just got out from my room" he stares dead into Chris' eyes. "You do realize the punishment of treason is death, don't you?"

Chris paled and decided to explain himself, "I was trying to also find you to ask about when we will go check on the kingdom."

"He took Yuuri away from the guard's, led him to the potentially 'abandoned' parts of the kingdom and make them say stuff like the guards kill them because they don't have enough money to pay off their taxes. When I got there were two dead bodies on the floor, both of them and their horses were covered in blood. ALL I WANT TO DO IS PROTECT HIM, CAN'T HE F**KING SEE THAT?!" Otabek punched his desk quite hard, hearing his knuckles cracking in the pressure.

Viktor walked closer to Chris and take the papers by force. "You are really lucky that I don't have my sword with me right now" Viktor shook his head and left the hall and empty-handed blonde just like that.

Chris decided to continue going to find Alena after that.

Alena put her hand over her mouth, frozen in shock. She couldn't believe it. She clenched her fist. That was it. Without a word she stormed out, her heels clicking loudly on the marble floor. She was going to find him and make him regret even having the idea of coming here. "Christophe, " She said, her voice red in anger " Where is your king?"

"I wouldn't go to find him he is different for sure from what I know him. Let's go somewhere that is private." Chris said.

"ALENA!" Otabek called out, but it was too late, she'd already gone. He followed out behind her.

" No. I need to talk to him. NOW " Alena demanded from the blonde man.

"He just threatened to kill me," Chris replied.

"Alena my job is on the line if you do this" Otabek added, quickly running in behind her.

Viktor on the other hand is in his chamber, with a whistle, he lit up a candle and burn all of the papers in his hand. It is really a shame that Chris decided to side up with the guards, isn't he his best friend since he was a little? Now probably he needs to punish him a "little bit" for his misbehaviour. It's not like he needed to write down his plan any longer, he doesn't need anyone to help him ruining his little plan, and the day of the marriage is getting closer, he just now has to wait.

Alena stood frozen, completely astonished. " Threatened to kill you... " She couldn't think anymore, her reason seemed to abandon her as she was driven by nothing but the urge of strangling Viktor with her bare hands.

Chris grabbed her arm and otabek's to lead them to an empty room.

Otabek didn't like the idea of being taken to an empty room but he went along with it. "You do know if the King calls me about the stuff, I said towards Viktor I'm out like that" he snapped his fingers, accentuating the word 'that'.

Alena followed, dragging her feet and looking into the void. Her actions seemed mechanic as she closed the door of the room behind the three of them "Say what you have to say, Christophe" She said, putting a soothing hand on Otabek's shoulder.

"I went into his room and he had papers with plans about taking over your kingdom. He is planning on killing Yuuri slowly after the wedding." Chris said.

"I f**king need a break from this. I want him dead." Otabek said coldly, he didn't feel any sympathy for anyone at that moment.

"I know he is going to do something to me soon. I need you two to help me stop him from killing your king." Chris added.

Alena registered Christophe's words, slowly swallowing them. Why wasn't she surprised? It was impossible that Victor would've come here solely because of love " How can we be sure you speak of the truth? " She asked, nonetheless. She knew that from now on, she could never let her guard down.

"I'm never leaving them alone, if he dies it'll be all on me as I'm lord protector of this kingdom." Otabek sighed, rubbing his hand as it was numb or in pain.

"Look his family has been dangerous and that his father taught him many things of getting what he wants. His father took kingdoms down by simply putting an assassin in them." Chris said, shaking at the thought of his friend using his father teachings.

Alena crossed her arms. " I see " She simply said. She had indeed heard stories about the previous king, and those stories matched what Christophe said. She looked at Otabek for a moment, then directed her attention on Christophe. " What was he going to use against Yuuri? " She asked. " And when? "

"Well the ring that he gave Yuuri has a plant that puts poison in him and that is what is slowly killing him. He was actually going to get me to get them to use me as a way to get out of the punishment and stay on the throne. But I can get the antidote for Yuuri by going back to my kingdom. He is planning to wait for Yuuri to die after the wedding since it will suspicious that he died after the wedding."

She threaded her fingers in her hair, staring at the floor in horror. But she calmed herself and took a deep breath " If we're going to arrest him, that flower ring is our only proof " She said, biting her lip. " How long would it take for it to have an effect? " she asked.

"At least five days so if anything happens to me, I will give a document that you will have to give to a guard to show you are there to find something for me. The antidote works in drinks so you can put it in his drink." Chris said.

" Nothing will happen to you, we will arrest Victor in time to prevent any blood spilling. I won't let it happen. We won't let that happen, I promise. Christophe, I don't think I can thank you enough for what you provided us with, and I apologize for doubting you." Alena said with a look of shame on her face.

"Don't be too sure he is cunning like a snake so he could do it any time. I would too but you have proof that he is obviously been doing evil planning." Chris added.

Otabek was utterly annoyed at this point, he didn't know what to say about the information he just heard.

"I should go get that document done and give it to you so you can have it in case." Chris said leaving the room and heading to his room.

" May you remain safe " She murmured, watching the blond man leave the room. She bit her lip and stared at nothing, digesting the last words she had heard. The fate of the kingdom was between their hands, and they had to put an end to the western threat looming over their kingdom...

- To be continued.

The Kingdom (Yuri on ice Role Play)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن