Chapter 39

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Paulette slowly walked into the living room, her eyes honing in on Johnny in seconds. Out of his leather jacket, and away from Rydell, she had to admit he didn't have the same star quality but her heart still fluttered at the sight of him.

"Hey," she said interrupting his conversation with Davey and Louis. She was kinda surprised they were there but Louis was probably supporting Sharon, and of course, Davey was dating Dolores, well sort of.

"Hey, Paulette, you're a sight for sore eyes," Johnny said turning on the charm and she tried to smile.

"Yeah you really suit that headscarf," Louis said grinning, and Johnny elbowed him. "What? She looks cool."

Paulette knew she looked anything but, however, she appreciated Louis's attempt at a compliment. Her last encounter with him was embarrassing, to say the least, and she was grateful both he and Sharon were pretending to have forgotten it.

"When's the funeral for Sharon's mom?" she asked lowering her voice. "I didn't want to ask Sharon, she's pretty upset."

Louis's mouth turned down. "Next Friday, I think. They're still finalising the arrangments."

"Can you let me know when they do? I want to be there."

"Do you think you'll be up to that, Paulette?" Johnny asked his brows furrowing. "In your condition?"

"I'll manage, I want to be there for Sharon." Johnny continued to frown at her but she ignored him, however frail she might be, deep down she knew she had to go, she wanted to. "So have any of you guys seen Michael?" she asked trying to make her voice sound upbeat. "I bumped into Steph coming out of the hospital and she was kinda weird." More than weird.

"Me and Dolores stopped by," Davey said chewing his bottom lip. "He's in a pretty bad way, I was kinda shocked."

Paulette looked at Johnny and Louis. "Have you guys not been?"

Louis looking down, shuffling his foot. "No, I can't leave Sharon, and, well I don't know what I'd say to him."

"Yeah, that's what I think," Johnny said. "I mean, I've been real busy, but what do you say to a guy that might lose his leg?"

"Maybe you just let him know you're there," Paulette said fixing her eyes on Johnny. "I think that's all you can do."

Johnny shifted uncomfortably. "I guess. Do you wanna go outside for a smoke?"

Paulette took a deep breath, now was her chance, he was even making it easy for her. "Sure Johnny, I've been dying for a ciggie."

She let him take her by the elbow and lead her out into the back garden. He took out his cigarettes, lighting one, and passing it to her.

"Thanks," she said taking a quick drag on it. "Actually, I wanted to talk to you."

"Yeah?" Johnny looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah, I wanted to talk about my birthday, amongst other things."

"Why don't we just forget it. After what happened we should put it behind us." He lit his own cigarette, deliberately taking his time.

"We can't put it behind us," Paulette said her voice rising an octave. "I don't want to. That's what I've been doing all year, if not longer."

Johnny shrugged. "I don't know what you want me to say."

"I don't either," Paulette said, inhaling so deeply on her own cigarette she started to cough. "Whatever you do for me, it isn't enough. I always want more."

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